Full API node statistics with beem - April 10th 2018

in #steemit6 years ago


I have a list of 15 nodes. Please let me know if something is wrong or missing. All nodes have support for https://. For nodes with websocket support (WSS is yes), wss:// has to put in front.

Server WSS Ran By Version
steemd.privex.io yes @privex 0.19.2
steemd.pevo.science yes @pharesim 0.19.2
rpc.steemliberator.com yes @netuoso 0.19.2
rpc.buildteam.io yes @themarkymark 0.19.2
gtg.steem.house:8090 yes @gtg 0.19.2
rpc.steemviz.com yes @ausbitbank 0.19.2
seed.bitcoiner.me yes @bitcoiner 0.19.2
steemd.steemgigs.org yes @steemgigs 0.19.2
steemd.minnowsupportproject.org yes @followbtcnews 0.19.2
rpc.curiesteem.com no @curie 0.19.2
api.steem.house no @gtg 0.19.4
appbasetest.timcliff.com yes @timcliff 0.19.4
api.steemit.com no Steemit Inc. 0.19.4
steemd.steemitstage.com no Steemit Inc. 0.19.4
steemd.steemitdev.com no Steemit Inc. 0.19.4
Working node
A node is listed, when:

blocks can be streamed
account history is possible
votes, a comment and an account can successfully be fetched.
It is measured how many blocks and many account operation can be streamed in 15 seconds. The third parameter is the mean duration in seconds of the fetch account, comment and votes data call.

The following statistics were gained with beem. nodes which are supporting websockets are tested with wss:// and https://. When a node with websocket connection passed all tests, he is listed with an x in WSS. When a node with https:// connection passed all tests, he ist listed without x in WSS.

Server WSS blocks in 15 s account op in 15 s duration for rpc call in s
steemd.privex.io x 182 29030 0.02
steemd.pevo.science x 202 39040 0.13
rpc.buildteam.io x 196 53054 0.04
rpc.steemviz.com x 202 55056 0.03
steemd.minnowsupportproject.org x 202 49050 0.02
rpc.buildteam.io 34 6007 0.16
steemd.minnowsupportproject.org 14 4005 0.70
steemd.pevo.science 9 4005 0.14
rpc.steemviz.com 26 5006 0.36
steemd.privex.io 1 1 9.45
api.steem.house 1 1 0.38
api.steemit.com 24 12013 0.47
At the moment only 7 from 15 available full API nodes are working.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 60865.75
ETH 2381.36
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.57