Steemit Lawyer: second client: @zaragast

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

(picture from Ace Attorney)

Hello all,

Steemit lawyer Neoxian here. I've taken on my second client @zaragast.

Recently, @zaragast was caught plagiarising and was cheetah banned. But I've talked with him, and he understands what he did wrong, and is very sorry about it. I humbly request that we all give him a second chance.

I will be responsible for him and will vouch for his good behavior. Trust me, I'll be going over all his posts with a fine toothed comb and will be the first to flag him hard if he strays. I'll work with Steemcleaners to try to get him cheetah unbanned.

Welcome back @zaragast!


This is great. Thank you for giving the time to do this. Everyone deserves a second chance.

Need. Any help there @neoxian ?
Attorney @bullionstackers here too , have 5 months off from duty.

Yea the Steemcleaners crew are pretty stubborn.

He should have to track down those he stole from and apologize to them. Any money he made off the work of other steemians should go to them. And provide proof of apologies.


What a great service! Good luck @zaragast!

The American way is to burn them at the stake!

I'm willing to take a very minor chance though.

Welcome back @zaragast

You really have a very good conscience, no one if the people who praise you. You also spend a lot of your time to those in need, such as giving knowledge and others. number one is the best @neoxian

I need some help. Recently, I have written a post and some whales have flagged it. I was not plagiarizing or such. They merely felt that the credit should go to another person. I understand their feelings completely, I was just wanting to spread the word. However, I did not think of resteeming.(I did not copy and paste anything, other than the original post's link).
Please can someone help me?

Just try to be very clear and give proper credit in the future.

I gave proper credit!
I even said that the whole credit(including my post) belonged to @jesta!

If that's the case, then your flagging is unjust. Sadly, not everyone uses my guidelines for flagging.

Did you keep earnings enabled for your post that used that person's material?

If not, maybe you should disable payments for it and give anything earned from it to that person. Then write up a new post explaining everything that happened, your apology, links to the posts in question and a screenshot of you turning over the earnings from the first post to the person you allegedly stole from and ask for forgiveness. Also make sure to disable earnings on the new post.

That's just a suggestion, though. I haven't been here for very long, so @neoxian probably has better advice for you on this matter.

Ok, thanks, however, since the whales flagged it, the post value was zero. I was planning to give the steem dollars to @jesta, to support him/her. But, I guess it's just my loss in the end.

It's beautiful dear@neoxian!!
I like your work...Great service_))

Great idea, actually!

My Cousin Neoxian lol,

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