SGTReport mentions Steemit, hints they will be here soon

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hey Steemit!

Another journalist I follow who has also been suffering from youtube's censorship and de-monitization has now mentioned Steemit in their video and hints that they may be coming here soon.

Have a look at SGTReport's video, go to about 11:15 minutes in.

If they show up within the next few weeks (or are here already) I'll be happy to give them all liquid rewards from this post.

Edit: Yes, he is here! I'll be giving him the SBD this post makes.


That is awesome, thanks for sharing! Hope to see them and their friends here! :)

He is here already. I'm just waiting for him to verify.

Even better! ;)

@neoxian, this is only the beginning. With this recent price action, a line down the street is starting to form. "Be patient, and please don't cut in line. First come...first serve!"

Slowly but surely the dam will break and the floodwaters cometh =D

Sean at SGT reports is a top rate journalist- I hope he comes here too.

He mentions Steemit at 11:28 :D

great news ! thanks for sharing @neoxian...
"Restricted mode" "Removed" Youtube has gone mad.....while
Steemit is YOUNG, WILD and FREE !
Steen on !

Critical to build a solid video functionality into steemit asap. The sheer amount of value that can be created if steemit can tap into the YouTube+Patreon crowd is immense.

They are already here

Thanks for letting me know. Just waiting for them to verify.

More popular youtubers looking at Steemit, cool I say :)

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