Why you should not give up on Steemit in this most challenging phase

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Steemit has been on a good nerve wrecking stage since the last couple of months, we have been seeing it steadily decline in the last 5 months. The year started with a bang and all were in high spirits as the Steem price touched $6 but in the last few months it gradually sucked away the life of Steemit. Well we all know this is also a phase and there will be reversal trends but it may take some more months then expected, may be by end of the year we may see the trends changing.

With the overall decline in the Crypto space and the price of Steemit, I also see that many have turned away from blogging. I am not going to comment if it is right or wrong, cause there is no right or wrong about it, this is going to be a long phase and things are not going to turn overnight or even say a month's time or more, rather we may see a further decline as the BTC is also expected to touch it's low to almost 4k$. Most of the people who have been blogging regularly have seen a drastic decrease in their earnings, which is very demotivating and they have in-turn either reduced their number of post or completely stopped posting.

What I feel is that one should not stop posting even if the earning is low. There are a couple of reasons for why I say this.

Like we say every drop in the ocean counts and so does every single SP in your wallet matters. Today the Steem price is between 1.30$ and 1.50$, may be in a year and a half this price can go upto 10$ and this is where it will matter. In the month of Jan and Feb my average monthy earning was around 800 SP and now since the last 2 months it is around 150 SP and there is a possibility it can drop further, but when the time will be right this 150 SP can become 1500$ earning for me which now values for around 350$. And if I have to multiply it till the end of this year means somewhere around 1000 SP, which can fetch me close to 10K$ may be in the next 1 and a half years and for sure this is not small money unless you already have some big bank balance and this may sound peanuts for you.

The other reason I see is, Steemit is very fragile in terms of networking. It is almost like out of sight, out of mind. It takes a lot of effort for one to build up a network, and a longer gap of being away can reduce your popularity and your network can drift, then it would again be a challenge to start building your network. People who were supporting you may start supporting others and they may not be left with enough bandwidth to again support you.

Last month when I was going a little low, I was also contemplating if I should continue, but then my husband just gave me these reasons and I could make a lot of sense with it

I make 1 post every alternate day, which I have been doing it from the beginning and plan to continue atleast till the end of this year with whatever returns I get.

So in all, my advice is do not get discouraged, Ups and downs will be there but let the wallet grow even if it is just for a matter of few dollars, but this consistent little earning will definitely matter in the long run.

I wish everyone Happy blogging on Steenit.
Do not worry about the small setbacks, focus on the big picture and keep moving

With Love and Angels Blessings 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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A closed mind is all about closed possibilites and opportunities
How capable we are of destroying our Nature

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Hey! Nainaz...@nainaztengra This post is indeed encouraging and motivating !!!
I still remember...almost a year ago...when we started...how different the things seemed to be!!!...gradually...when crypto is showing its absolutely typical traits of being "Extremely Volatile" and "Uncertain" there is bound to be some impact on number of people involved. "The Established" will definitely continue to survive and thrive over a long run...but for beginners it definitely will prove to be a mammoth's task to establish a foothold and hence quit/stop steeming and then there is this key element of continuous drop in prices!!!... which generates a lot of negative energy around the content/material/subject !!!
But, I have truly learnt my lesson, not to take things way too seriously !!! Honestly...let there be more fun and creativity involved!!! Cryptos will take their own sweet time to truly get going (in the Upswing mode!!!) in the long long run...its way to early to take them so seriously to mind, body & heart !!! :)
Keep Steeming as One Pretty Interesting Hobby (OPIH)... and have fun!

What Amit said. ^^ Having fun and sparking creativity is one of the things that makes this whole Steemit thing a blessing in my life, regardless of crypto prices. Great comment!

That's correct Amit, I don't think we should take this very seriously. I will complete a year next month and so will you, whatever said and done its been an incredible journey, we have explored all together a different world which I had never imagined. I guess we are almost at the same level steem price wise as last year when we started and during the year we have seen some extremely good times also, so we never know what the future holds. We just need to take it easy and keep going till we can.

Yes, it's all about numbers and we have to respect this phase too means, we faced good times and we also earned profits but now the tables are turned and now we have to showcase the patience because it's not about the Steemit it's just the Market Position.

It's easy to stood strong when everything is fine but the strength of the roots can be measured once we face the disaster. And Disaster is never exist for destruction but it comes to vanish bad so that new roots can be developed.

Good to know that your husband really understood the situation and motivated you to continue and in my opinion you both are blessed because you both have the essence of understanding. And i am sure that this advice will going to give fruits in future.

This is the time when we have to HODL and it will be good to concentrate on our content on Steemit and not on rewards and then we should shift our focus to something fun or travel because that will keep you away from the panic times.

Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Steemit is a marathon, not a sprint. Yes, sometimes we get discouraged with the prices but we need to keep on running, just putting one foot in front of another. It will get better, it always does. Much love to you honey, happy blogging and keep running that marathon 💚

Totally agree, not a quick get-rich scheme, it's hard work to get to the goal post!

Some people became rich fast on steemit but as i see they also invest a big amount. For those who are makeing just blogs that is a longer distance but not always. Depend on the followers. If they are loyal than everything is possible

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Hahaha you termed it very well Petra, it definetly is a Marathon. Let's see how much far we can still go. 💖

People are powering down to get their $ out because they think the price of Steem is going back down below $1. Remember Steem used to be less than 50 cents? If it goes back how many will keep posting?

Me what ever small amount i earn and really if i say small that is small. ( i just start 2 weeks ago) but i always try to buy sp and all the rest going to the saveings. Really wish that i have at least a 500 eur to invest but i dont have yet nothing just my small earning from my blog.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

That's true, many will withdraw. When I started it was around that much only 50 to 70 cents.I dont feel it would be advisable to dump your life savings cause from investment perspective this will always be a gamble. Whatever you can earn with your blogs is good enough, even if lost you do not have much of regret. For now I guess you need to stop looking at all the crypto prices to not get into depression 🙈🙈 hahaha

I think it depends on your age. Someone young can afford to risk their life savings but I agree if they are over 45 perhaps it's a very bad idea to do that. Without big risk there is no opportunity for big reward.

As far as what can be earned from blogging it all depends on the blogger. It also depends on community and market dynamics. Right now blogging is not profitable for me as you can probably guess but there were times last winter when it was very profitable for me and probably most others.

At the same time if Steem goes back to under 50 cents how many people will dump their life savings into Steem Power knowing someday it will be up again?

He he hope that time i have some money and i can buy. Even now i would like but i dont have yet for this😁

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Right! I just powered up due to low prices!

This is what i told to my steemit friends also that good time for power up or invest. Sad but me i cant make it right now but hope there will be another chance😊

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Thank you so much for posting this. I hadn't really noticed the decline util the past week, when things started to go noticably quite, and my stream of new followers, upvotes and upvote income took a significant hit. I agree with you that this is an IDEAL time to take inventory of our purpose and goals here. Here are my thoughts, which I believe are COMPLEMENTARY to what you have stated above :

  1. This is an IDEAL time to re-consider the value of the "social capital" aspect of our activity here on the platform. For me, it has ALWAYS been about the RELATIONSHIPS I have discovered, and continue to cultivate here. The valueof the actual cryptocurrency is SECONDARY to these relationships, as those relationships have MUCH greater potential to return PRICELESS dividends into the future (such as in the forms of further collaborations, activity OUTSIDE of Steemit, etc.)

  2. The lessons and skills I have learned and developed in my almost one year on this platform have RAISED my knowledge and appreciate for social media and blockchain to a totally HIGHER DIMENSIONS. Again, there is NO PRICE that can be put on that.

  3. This is a time to MEDITATE on the HYPOTHETIC question :

"If Steemit were to disappear tomorrow, what have I gained (in terms of NON-monetary gains) from my activity/experience here?"

The key is to find the value BEYOND the $$$ value. If Steemit hadn't been created I would be YEARS behind where I am now in terms of my overall development on ALL levels (mental, physical, spiruitual, etc.).

Let's all just keep doing out consistent part towards the "Great Work"...


Maybe it's because I have been here for just a month, but to me, all of this isn't nervewrecking at all.

On the contrary, I think it is a great opportunity.

That's the right attitude. When almost a year back I joined steemit, prices were almost the same and we grew from there, so there's a lot of scope.

Looking at the current situation as a soft reset may be a good way then.

What I feel is that one should not stop posting even if the earning is low.

This line alone has already propelled me never to give up, we should all practice patience in the long run. Thanks for this epci article. Resteemed

This days I thought about this and I decided to post every day.I know that in feature steem price will go up and will all be happy.

That's a wise decision my friend

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