first steem gaming app , steemilicious crush , every upvoter will get a free copy: WHALES GET YOUR NAME ON A LEVEL

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Hi my name is @nabilov , gaming fanatic , I want to create a candy crush like game for steemit

I will be using the game engine platform unity 3d :

there is different templates , that I will modify to fit the steemit theme I also would like to implement a steemit api
to get users steempower count , the more steempower you have the more special powers , and candies you have in the game.

heres some more eyecandy to imagine the upcoming game .

support me in my quest to make steemit as big as facebook on youtube
hopefully ill start my own company like zynga on steemit .
in the future the game will be sold for 1 steem dollar or 1 steem

the upvoters of this post will get a free copy , we are making history , join us !!!
im working on the game as we speak , the game should come out in a month thank you all upvote and follow

#steemit #steem #gaming #steem-help #viral


ooh I've been trying to learn Unity too!

Its pretty neat and they have free tutorial videos on their website

Nice terrific idea! Hope it works out.

It will , just wait a month lol

do it ;-) will give some people a smooth entry

Your right we need gaming on steemit

I need something to play :)

Its coming in one month

Look forward to it

I was just thinking, less than 2 hours ago, when someone would start working on a Steem based game. This could be huge.

I know we need that , if i had helpers, we could make a steemit world of warcraft , but ill finish this project first

OH WOW, steemit is getting better and better each day and already blows the competition away!

Good idea. Up-voted and followed. I want my free copy!!! xD

Coming in one month

I think this is not a bad idea for those who like casual games.

Thank you , for your support

Sure, I'll upvote it. Does this actually tie in to Steem somehow? Does it reward the user with Steem or SBD?

No not yet , people will have to buy for 1 steem dollar , or one steem , but it will be free for you since you upvoted

very good post sir. l am follow

Thanks for your support

Please stop spamming random posts.

Sorry im done now , :(

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