NASA Lost A Bag Of Moon Dust - Auction Price $ 4 Million At New York - 20 July 2017 - Read Full Story Below .

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Moon Dust Auction Launch With 4 Million At New York Auction Sale


As we know about successful Moon Mission Apollo 11 launched on 20 July 1969 . Neil Armstrong first human to step on moon, mission was to travel to moon and get back with some sample of rocks and dust from the lunar region also known as the Sea of Tranquility. Samples were also known as "Lunar Sample Return".

Armstrong submitted the samples to scientists at a Houston lab, but the collect sample pouch of Moon Dust got mixed up with other sample bags that were of no use just contained some material from Apollo 11 . Later the left over material seized by US Department of Justice and auctioned off all the material they had , including the Moon Dust Pouch unknowingly .

" Nancy Lee Carlson" the current owner of Moon Dust pouch bought it on auction at $ 995. She had a doubt that it is not a normal material which she has received , so she sent that pouch to NASA for testing. When NASA run the tests on that pouch they realized they had lost the pouch of Moon Dust. NASA started claiming their own right on "Moon Dust Pouch" as it was brought by them from Moon .

Nancy Lee Carlson and NASA fought a legal case in court and U.S. District Court ordered NASA to return the bag in February 2017. Now the Pouch is at Sotheby’s auction house in New York and will be on sale on 20th July 2017, on occasion of 48th Apollo Anniversary. Carlson says she will be donating some portion to charity and open a a scholarship at her alma mater, Northern Michigan University.

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What Would You Do If Could Have Got A Pouch Of "Moon Dust" ?

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