Care and Consideration - a challenge to steemians everywhere

in #steemit7 years ago

One of the things that I committed to when I started blogging here was that I would always post with care and consideration, and for a while that was exactly what I did. In an effort to post more often, I started to let my post quality slide and posted just for the sake of posting. I feel badly that I didn't live up to my best self, but I'm committing to change that now.

I let my fear of getting lost in the shuffle, of having my posts drown in the sea of noise on all types of social media (not just steemit) get in the way of my desire and commitment to quality posts. So, I've decided to stop worrying about the noise, and to send out my small signal without regard for whether it gets drowned out by the noise out there in social media land. I want my voice to be heard, to be able to tell my stories, but I don't do that by yelling louder and talking faster than everyone else. I do that by speaking deliberately, with care and consideration.

I'll still be posting here, and from steepshot, but I will take much more care and consideration with how I craft my photographs and posts. I'll focus on quality content, and if that means that I don't get to something when I want to, then that's okay. It is far more important to be able to say something well, than simply to say it.

"Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools because they have to say something" - Plato

So, here's my challenge to steemians everywhere...Lets lose the noise. Don't post simply because you have to say something. Choose the path of wisdom by speaking only when you have something to say.

Stop the copy and paste posts of other people's content and start sharing your own content. You have something important to say, so let us hear it!

Stop posting nothing but a link to someone else's work and start telling us about why it is important, how it made you feel, how it helped you to understand something new or see something in a new way.

Stop feeling like you won't be heard if you're not constantly posting, paradoxically, you might actually be heard better if you're not constantly posting.

Give yourself permission to post only when you have something important to say and then to take the care and consideration to craft a fine work of writing. Don't just slap something together because you have to. Free yourself from the anxiety of not posting and let your wisdom and experience shine in a well-crafted post.

Steemit will be a better place for everyone if you do!

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