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RE: WARNING! WARNING! Steemit-Based Scam Announced: $10 million prize pool

in #steemit7 years ago

@silverfortune actually sat through the webinar and summarized it. Thanks bro! Link to summary, so you can upvote his hard work!

Summary here too in case it gets deleted, not sure it can be as it's on the blockchain. Here it is again:

From someone that sat through the webinar:
5 minutes in: hasn't started yet.
8 minutes in: Finally hearing audio, and few mentions of a game.
28 minutes in: Just listened to 20 straight minutes of him talking about his past SEO success, saw him in a picture in front of some studios in Hollywood, and heard him throw around names, titles, etc. Hardly any mention of this "game", but has instead talked about people earning ridiculous amounts of money through different business methods related SEO and internet traffic. He keeps talking about people buying nice houses, he's starting to remind me of that Tai Lopez guy that I keep seeing in ads. Also, he just claimed he knows all of this secret stuff about Google search results, that no one else knows besides Google.
32 minutes in: Said 5 minutes ago we'd be talking about this game, but has hardly mentioned it yet. Just finished talking about how "small minded people" filed lawsuits, and tied up millions in his bank accounts. Also just made an appeal to emotion, by talking about his run-in with cancer, and his house flooding. I don't care if it's real or not, I just fail to see how it's relevant. Still talking about himself and his success.
36 minutes in: Just made an appeal to Christians, talking about how he would run Bible studies 5 days a week, and how he's read the Bible 20? times. Also, another reason to be skeptical, paid a hypnotherapist 6 figures. All of this "spirit quest" was because he didn't want to help anyone, and he figured something was wrong with him. But don't worry guys, he loves himself now, and we're the lucky people that he's going to start helping again (sarc.). Still no mention of a game, still talking about himself.
40 minutes in: Keeps talking about how terrible it is that we worship money, but also keeps talking about obscene amounts of money you make with his special methods. Also, keeps talking about how evil corporations are, because they make money off of us. I'm sure he won't be making any money off of those that take him up on his offer... Right? Not to mention, it sounds like the whole premise, is that the people that follow his method, will be making money off of the very same people these evil corporations were making money off of. Maybe I'm wrong, but some clarity would be appreciated.
45 minutes in: Finally talking about the game... And now he's talking about "Back to the Future"? He was so close to actually cutting to the chase!
48 minutes in: Actually said this is not some "make money quick" BS. LOL
52 minutes in: He's talking about the game! Oh my gosh! Wait, I'm actually interested... He says this game is being played not only with bitshares, and Steemit, but also 1 million ounces of gold? He says it's backed by 1 million ounces of gold, which is worth roughly $1.28 billion. Still, there's no way to verify this claim, that I know of (read below). He says it's held at Brinks, which I have heard of, but he gives no details on how we can verify. Hopefully more information is forthcoming. Also, introduced Karmakoin, which is now on bitshares, and is apparently the token for the game.
58 minutes in: Quick bit about Steemit, and how easy it is to make money on it, for the average person.
60 minutes in: Still unclear how this game works. Similar to Steemit, in that you make money for doing things, but also watching. Not a ton of details.
61 minutes in: Game is called "the mogul search engine game". Catchy. "Players" get paid for doing things (writing, videos, blogging, creating content, etc.) Still, similar to how Steemit works. Creators get paid first.
63 minutes in: Watchers also get paid, maybe more than players. Game launches in one month. I'll be honest, the game itself doesn't sound that bad. Interesting, to say the least.
65 minutes in: He's giving us "inside secrets", before the game is released to the public. The game is backed by the blockchain, as well as this gold. Mentions there will be more videos forthcoming.
68 minutes in: Now advertising for a year long mentoring program, with him and others, "Game Master Economy". Costs $50K (20 spots). Yeah right. Oh, but wait, there's "Game Master Apprentice", for 90 days, for $10K (20 spots). He's losing my interest, that he had briefly grabbed. But wait, there's even more! I can be one of the 300 founding moguls! I can get to be one of the first players, get early access, and help determine rules. Only $2.5K. That's $2 million dollars in earnings for Matt, right off the bat.
80 minutes: Karmakoin is backed 1:1 ratio, with an ounce of gold. Gold is delivered as the koin is mined. (Again, $1.28 billion of gold). Link here to Karmakoin on Bitshares:
85 minutes in: Koin is not pegged to gold, but the floor is the price of the gold. I'm skeptical of this new coin offering... If it's backed by gold, can we actually take delivery of the gold? (I ask, because I don't know). If not, that makes me even more skeptical.
86 minutes in: Says he can prove this gold exists. My background in precious metals tells me to never trust someone that says they have gold in a vault somewhere. But who knows, besides him. He is now discouraging criticism. Uh oh. Is he talking about me? How does he know I'm typing this right now?!
88 minutes in: Says criticism will lead to people not being allowed to play in his games. Called out @samupaha, and said he will never be allowed to play the game. I think @samupaha is right... Maybe not. Regardless, I don't want to be part of a game that automatically kicks me because of some criticism. He's yelling now, that this is not a scam. Again, maybe it is, maybe not. Time will tell. But automatically blocking me for criticism, that's not the way to do it. Also, just threatened people that say its a scam with, with lawsuits. I'm not saying it's a scam... I'm just saying. Dude sounds like a jerk. You can decide for yourself if you want to play, maybe it's a scam, maybe it's not. But the fact that he was just yelling at this guy, makes me not want to be a part of it.
100 minutes in: Just more details about the special slots for the 340 first adopters. I'm done watching, if I'm not playing the game anyways.
-Note to Matt Trainer, his team, and everyone else: Ban me, so what. I'm not saying it's a scam, but I have been left with more question marks than when this webinar began. Maybe money can be made, maybe not.

My recommendation at this point: Be skeptical, question who is benefiting, but by all means, try the game out when it's released. I'll stick to my current platforms.


upvoted for this summary...
i made it to the end ^^ but i was like @silverfortune on minute 52 hehe
still dont see a game... i guess they calling it a game because they adding 35 levels to their lead funnel

What settled it for me was minute 68 where he's selling $50k spots for some kind of marketing course.

Also, introduced Karmakoin, which is now on bitshares, and is apparently the token for the game.

karma koin is a video game currency. it is not backed by anything. nexon uses it. you buy the stupid plastic cards at grocery stores. karmakoin can not be traded or sold only spent. it has been around over 7 years.

anyone that has played hard core mmorpg's knows of it.

the whole thing sounds like a scam but the karma koin part stood out to me as I am playing a game that uses it right now. lol

in all honesty I say let the person scam, if someone is stupid enough to fall for it then they deserve to throw their money away imo.

cheers and awesome summery!

It continues to boggle my mind on how small minded individuals try to bring down people like @matttrainer with screams of "scam" and other crap. Its ok though. As we prepare to change more and more lives your screams will fade and change to "damn i should have listened".

Looks like your hero has already run away!

Lol your funny bro.

Thanks for the summary. Went to the original article and found ... nothing. So, that tells me all I need to know. If the guy was legit, he'd stand up for his game. He'd answer the tough questions and invite even more questions.

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