Steem Roller Coaster On Another Dive!!!! Having Fun Yet?

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Round and round we go!!!!

Seems like this song and dance plays out a lot and it never gets old. As fast as we go up in price we go down twice as fast. In the blink of an eye a months progress wiped out in a couple hours. Frustrating right? If you ard not a day trader than don't let this little dip concern you too much. Sometimes we let the numbers get to our head. Sure we'd love to see green all the time but things don't work like that ever!!!

Steem is down what should I do?

Well for starters you can post more. With the price of Steem down you should get a bigger slice of Steem with your payouts. Another things you could do is buy some more. This isn't advice but hey the price is much cheaper than it was 48 hours ago. What you shouldn't do is complain. When the price rises again and it will all that Steem you bought or earned will be worth more.

The whole market is red not just Steem!!!!

BTC touched 10k the other day briefly and is now below 9k. Bringing many other coins down with it. This is probably a good time to buy your favorite coins on sale. The month of June usually brings the Bulls out to play and this year shouldn't be the exception. Right now my favorite project is Steem but I do have a few other coins I keep an eye out for. Doing your own research is necessary if you are going to be in this crypto game. There's tons of information out there all you have to do is look.

With the rise in popularity amongst crypto analysts are popping up left and right. Be weary with who you get your info from. Some youtubers are known for Shilling a project after a hefty payment. There are some good guys out there you just have to look. Even celebrities are starting to sing the blockchain tune. We are in for an exciting couple years.

It's a race to the end which coin will come out victorious? Of course I'm gonna say Steem!!!!!

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I hope you all enjoy this post!!!!!

Until the next post


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Love me the crypto coaster!

Thanks for this informative yet encouraging and reassuring post. I felt better reading this . You’re much appreciated

The whole market is red not just Steem!!!!

Yeah you’re right , but this is the time to invest and investing is what we’d do

The best time to post is right now! When the price goes down so does the activity which means less compeition for votes.. as you said you get a bigger slice of Steem.

I try not to let the price affect me to much although it nicer seeing the price going up than going down!

I love the volatility.

Now I can buy back that 10k STEEM I sold two weeks ago.😎

I thrive on stability, so the crypto world can be MADDENING! I am learning to go with the flow though. You have to, or you go insane! Hahaha. Here's hoping Steem shoots up soon! :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63607.88
ETH 2506.13
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.59