Getting Real Comments Is Great!!!!! Remember We Are A Social Media Site!!!!!

in #steemit6 years ago

I have never seen so many real comments!!!!

First off let me say that I've been grindin' here on Steemit for almost a year. Putting out posts just about everyday no matter my circumstances. It's been fun and it's been great. I've met some really dope people and learned tons of valuable information. I'm glad I found this place and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. But we gotta be honest. A lot of the comments we get on posts are straight from the spam box. Sure we do get occasional comments from users who genuinely follow your stuff. But that's it!!!!! You have to do some super ultra cool shit to get the good comments. So for almost a year now I've learned to kind of just weed out the comments and pay attention to those that I feel are genuine.

In the last week I began doing a post where I simply ask a question and upvote the comment I like the most. Let me tell you I don't remember a time where I seen so many good comments on my posts. It sure feels good and I'm definitely loving the interaction. I might have to start responding to more comments now. Usually I might get about 3 or four comments but these posts average around 15 comments per post. Pretty neat if you ask me.

One thing I have always preached is in order to survive here on Steemit you have to switch it up and try new things. Don't do the same thing over and over and cry that it's not working. Here on Steemit we all have our ups and our downs. Life is never all great so why would Steemit be any different. I look at this place as if it was just a virtual world just like the one we live on. You got your good guys and you got your bad guys. Than you have the in betweeners who don't know who they wanna be. It's a doggie dog world here and you must remain fresh in order to reach your destination.

There isn't another place like this at the moment and if and when the world finds out about this place the rockets will boom. The official Steem Shmoney dance will be born and the quarrels of today will be just that quarrels. What we have here is special in every way and can really change your life if you are patient and dedicated. It doesn't take much to start actually it's 100 percent free to start here. There are no excuses for anyone unless they have no internet access or a phone or a single dollar to their name. Unless you suffer from all that mentioned above than you have no excuse. Now is the time to be here not when we have 10 million people posting a day. If you are not on the ship in your own cabin before the herd comes onboard you will be left on shore. Steem will most likely be very expensive and not as easily earned as it is today. Even now we earn much less Steem than we did three weeks ago. As the price rises we get less and less Steem in our payouts. Of course we all know this so no need to ramble on about something we should all know. The day will come when we all look back and wish we would have been more active. So give it your all now so that when this place blows up you don't feel as bad.
Social media has grown to very powerful in the last ten years and financial analysts around the world agree that this is not a fad and will only continue to grow. We live in an age where almost every single person is involved with social media. More and more people are building businesses through the power of simply branding themselves for the world to see. All on social media like Facebook Twitter etc etc.

Trust me when I say that these corporate giants fear the crypto movement and what we can all become. They know that we are all on a freight train straight to the moon. The wheels are in motion and simply can't be stopped. So what do they do? They try to attack all crypto banning advertisements. Hahahaha. Sorry but it makes me laugh because it's too late for this crypto ad ban and it will not be affective.

One thing I do suspect is maybe just maybe they are all teaming up to create a universal social media crypto to try and overtake bitcoins number one spot. Yeah I know maybe I watch too many movies but that would be what I would do if I had any say in it. There are companies across all sectors looking to implement blockchain technology into their business model. We are dealing with some serious tech that many people don't even grasp. The amount of money that a company could save if it had a specific inventory system built on blockchain tech would be huge. Strict accountability for every single aspect of their company. Heck I can see the government coming up with their own and forcing companies to run their stuff just so they can really know how much money is being made. Like I said my mind is a little The sky is the limit and good places like this will skyrocket in the coming years!!!!

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I hope you all enjoy this post!!!!!

Until the next post


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Damn. I should have asked a question at the end of my latest blog post. I did on the last few, but I forgot today.

I just had fun organizing all of these comments lol thanks for stopping by @seablue and I saw @steemitqa was also here from

and hey @mrviquez I resteemed! And upvoted 100%! My friend @truestory157 is reallly trying to make it living solely off steem traveling around the west coast and I am trying to get him to learn from you and do Videos, interactive videos like you do where you go and reply to all your comments and mention commenters in the videos so it becomes a sort of game or at least interactive. I feel like you really made it onto the @kpine and @dvf ald @alexis555 Upvote List radar because you posted everyday consistently AND yopu have been buying Steempower with ALL your rewards recently so BOOM you have REALLy shown your dedication! Truestory157 has been posting everyday multiple times and hes been doing Vlogs and he is going all in promoting steem to people he is meeting in LA. I think we can use steem as our network with centers in EVERY city, nodes like music studios in every city to allow talent that arise son steem to come and record at their local steem center with a recording studio and couches and just a chill rec center where anyone with a steem account can get in (and we will help people get their accounts when they come in, and I just think it could end up being really amazing )

Thanks for the mention @ackza. Your energy is an inspiration to myself and others.

In the last week I began doing a post where I simply ask a question and upvote the comment I like the most. Let me tell you I don't remember a time where I seen so many good comments on my posts. It sure feels good and I'm definitely loving the interaction

Not everyone understands the need to foster communication on here, it helps to engage the author with prospective followers, upvoters or commenters, allowing the social to come to live, creating a dialogue that will inspire both parties to look forward to next posts. Its a nice initiative and that you have also decided to upvote worthy comments

One thing I do suspect is maybe just maybe they are all teaming up to create a universal social media crypto to try and overtake bitcoins number one spot. Yeah I know maybe I watch too many movies but that would be what I would do if I had any say in it

Lol i totally wouldnt mind this, and its true that all these blockchain and cryptos are taking over and now is time to hustle hard.

Im glad i just came across your post, ive not taken part in any of your question and answer posts but i look forward to doing that as soon as the next post is out.


Holla holla! good job Mr. Viquez!

Man, I dont even know where to start in response to this. I guess starting from the beginning makes sense...

Genuine comments are amazing. I spend a lot of time helping newbies and I am always talking about how communication is key here. We should always try our best to show the writer that we actually read what they said. "Nice post" and "great job" type of comments are the easiest way to tell someone has not read your post. Like 10 out of 10 times the writer is not going to show any support back with a comment like that.

When I first joined here, I quit my Steemit job like 5 times, actually probably more. Then I got thinking that this shit will really blow up one day, I need to grow now before that happens. I knew I would be mad as hell if I looked back on Steemit and seen everyone I started with making all this money and I quit. Steemit success is like any other success in the world, if you don't have a bunch of money and a million friends when you start than you have to fight and work for that success just like in the real world.

I think the ban on crypto advertisement is stupid. Mark over at facebook must be working on his own coin. I'm not a fan of the government so I like how it makes them nervous too.

The comments Yes they matter !! Once I was talking to a curator and I asked: how do you choose the posts to be curated?

He replied that for the comments. Having to go through large amounts of post a day, was looking at the number of comments first to see if the publication had good interaction / feedback and see if it "deserved" visibility. the comments matter.

Not only this, through the comments we create friendships !! and we encourage you to read us more constantly in our posts

I personally don't care about the spam comments too much but it sucks too see posts with only spam and NO legit discussion or inspiration. People that hate on the whale system here on Steemit are the same people that are just haters in life and have time to hate but no time to be selfmade!

It is nice to know that there are genuine people on here who want a good chat and not just spammers lol.

I have the same bunch of people commenting on my posts - it would be nice to get a few different people come along who are genuine, guess itl come with time...

I just learned how important a really good comment is.. This is a great post to really emphasize how to utilize steemit. It takes dedication and being able to communicate with people.

About the Spam comments. I've had my fill. Don't see anything been done about it by steemit. Except us complaining and few individuals flagging the hell out of them.

About the facebook ads .they won't even let me promote steemit, unless I don't mention any thing related to crypto or money.

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