Potsdam Meetup: Paying with STEEM for the first time - Steemit Weekend Part 1

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Hamburg Steemit Crew on Tour!

This weekend was Steemit weekend! First stop: POTSDAM

On Friday @sirwinchester @soldier and I travelled from Hamburg to our first location - Café Einstein in Potsdam to attend the meetup, meet again with awesome Steemers, discuss interesting topics, eat some yummy food, vegan cake and for the for the first time PAY WITH STEEM!

A big THANK YOU for making this happen, goes to our host @einsteinpotsdam , and everyone else who attended the meetup: @pharesim @fabio @aaronkoenig @essra @capitalism @zahnspange 

Also a Special guest / Soon-to-be-Steemer might be changing the Game. I don't want to spill everything, but *Hashtag* SteemKids is definitely some Food for Thought..

It was my first time in Potsdam and I really fell in love with the beautiful architecture and the feeling of being in an "old Germany" pre-war. It's a beautiful city to visit and I'm planning on coming back with more time to tourist around.

If you ever are in Potsdam make sure to check out @einsteinpotsdam a beautiful little café/restaurant who made an incredibly delicious vegan cake for our meetup. The recipe you can find on @allasyummyfood

I don't think I have ever been this excited before to PAY :D Why? Because of the new payment method @einsteinpotsdam offers, paying with Steem! It's so quick and easy. They were already excepting Bitcoin, but to really use Steem staight from you wallet is even more fun.

@einsteinpotsdam set a great first example ! Imagine all big brands having a Steemit Account and you could buy Nike's by transferring Steem to their Account. I feel like I am truly witnessing and experiencing the mainstream future, which is super exciting!

YES we did it! Only seconds later after transferring the amount, it's done! Easier & quicker way to pay (check)

After the Potsdam Meetup pretty much all of us had to drive to Berlin, so we decided to all drive to Berlin and have an "after-meetup", meet at a bar have some drinks and extend interesting conversations. 

We had the best time! because what's better than good food, good drinks, and good people..

I'm always a little late with my posts, as I like to enjoy the moment/weekend, then afterwards once back home reflect and recap everything. I'm looking forward to many more meetups like this and just see them getting bigger an better every time. Potsdam on Friday was just the warm-up though, Saturday (yesterday) was the BXB Bitcoin Exchange Meetup / Steemit Meetup with a very special guest who attended...

Next Up: Berlin


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- Mrs.Steemit


Hey Mrs! I had no idea that "you were there" with SirW's group.. but glad for you that you take the time to decompress after such a weekend.
Yes this is HUGE news that a cafe exisits that already accepts Steem! Thanks for reporting on this to the community, it gives us all hope that Steem can easily go mainstream as the tech people work to make it easier. My shop in Roswell NM is already working on accepting Steem as well.

I'm positive it will happen sooner than we expect it to.. Awesome that you've excepting Steem as a payment method! (Y)

That looks so Yummy!! I just keep changing mine into BTC and trading. I can see more an more people coming to the world of crypto through Steemit. This is so amazing!

I hope that you can walk me through that process sometime Randy, and I will teach others. And I look forward to speaking with you later this week!

It truly is! I'm currently working on a concept to get more bloggers switch to Steemit :)

Looks like an amazing time!

Very nice that they already accept steem dollars :D
It sounds like a pretty fun weekend

It was such an amazing Trip! We had a lot of fun and deep late night talks. And yeah paying with steem Dollars was so easy and simple.
And we definitely have to come back and visit Potsdam!!!!

Yes it was, looking forward to many more :)
And glad we "found" Potsdam because of the meetup

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 67651.30
ETH 3269.44
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64