in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


My name is Pius Ima-Abasi, An undergraduate at the University of Uyo, Nigeria studying Petroleum Engineering.
My life, few months back could be likened to that of someone who was lost, aimless, without purpose and vision.
Over the past years, I have been a fan of facebook, spending over 18hours of my life everyday on my facebook page posting irrelevant things in order to get noticed through likes and comments. I must confess, my obsession for likes was too great and was growing everyday as the clock ticked. I got likes and comments on my posts, but I still felt like someone without purpose.
Facebook friends from my understanding could impact into your life both positively or negatively depending on your motive on facebook. If you're a person who is obsessed with 'Likes and Comments' not minding what you post, I can promise that from your great persistence you will surely get the Likes and Comments, but the question you'll keep asking yourself is how those frivolities have affected your life positively.

My great obsession for facebook popularity has really cost me alot which i'll live to regret, even when I got noticed by some facebook celebrities, It added nothing special to my life.

When I said "My great obsession for facebook popularity has cost me alot", my eduction is the most crucial victim of this fate. I can't blame facebook 100% for my inability to attain a first class grade in school, but trust me when I tell you it is one of the reason why I'm left trailimg with few points away from the first class mark.

I will be far form being wrong if I postulate a theory that states:
"The time wasted on facebook and other irrelevant social media pages, is directly proportional to the points lost per semester provided you/re studying in a Nigerian University'

This theory stated above might look funny but its 100% true in an ideal condition because it hasn't just applied to me alone but to many other nigerian students.
My love for facebook made me myopic, not making me consider my future but making me ponder greatly of what I could achieve at that moment which was irrelevant.

A life changer from my perspective can be considered as A special person/something that has the ability to alter a person's life or circumstances in a substantial way.

Steemit may be considered by many as a blogging and social networking website that uses its Steem blockchain-based rewards platform for publishers but I consider steemit as a LIFE CHANGER.
Steemit has changed my life in an unimaginable fashion and is still changing my life presently. Since I was introduced to steemit, my life has taken a positve turn in the right direction and I'm so happy this positive twist is coming at a very crucial segment of my life where it is highly needed.

Being social was a crucial feature embedded in me naturally. Social media made my socail life healthy and it felt almost perfect to me. My social life took a positive turn when I joined steemit. Steemit made me discover that it is not all about socializing with people, but socailizing with the right people.
Steemit made me discover the importance of Socializing with:

  • Great people who will inspire you for greatness
  • Special people who will give you a positive mindset
  • Motivational writers who will help you have purpose in life
  • Financial experts whose posts will help save your financial life

Steemit gave my the greatest opportunity I could've ever asked for. On this great platform, I am able to read and comment on posts created by great men and women on various field of life.
Great minds like @ned @dan @alexbeyman @dobartim @goldmatters @curie @anyx @jerrybanfield @timcliff @ura-soul @adsactly @dimimp @stach @teamsteem @yoo1900 and many others through their posts have helped boost my intellectual on various aspects of life and this has given me that edge in my education.

This is one of the most important aspect of my life that has been transformed positively.
No matter how good and informative your content is on facebook, the end result is always likes and comments. Steemit gives more than that, it gives you the opportunity to earn money from doing what you love. Most of my friends who I introduced to steemit, are forever grateful to me because Steemit has given them the avenue to be rewarded from their passion. This is what facebook or any other platform cannot do easily.
Few months back, I used to face financial situations. My education became so financially demanding that I got frustrated and this affected my education greatly. Most of the money I've generated from steemit has helped to meet my educational needs. To me thats a Life changer.

If I begin to extensively outline how Steemit has transformed my life positively, I don't think i'll finish writing this piece today. I strongly believe that Steemit hasn't just change only my life, it has changed many lives out there. A friend was telling me of how steemit has given him a reason to live again. He was faced with a great fiancial storm which was threatening to end his education but his story has changed for the better by Steemit. I will love to end with this little advice, I hope it helps inspire someone out there.
Social Media Kills and it also Saves. Find the one that will Save you and not kill you

This post is based on my life experience and should not be regarded as propaganda against facebook or any other social platform.
Facebook is the product of a mastermind just as much as Steemit.


This is what's called honesty.
Facebook is not good for the future,
I opened my facebook account in march 2013, 5years from now. Just imagine where I would have been if I've been steeming all that while.

delete facebook

Yea bro...very true

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