Steemit Should Be Used In The Education System It Teaches Core Values Needed In Adult Life

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

For someone who once trained as a teacher, it is without a doubt Steemit or a system like Steemit should be integrated into the education system. It teaches many things our youth of today need to get a grasp of moving into adult life.

Having spent such a great deal of time on here its hard not to think about the ramifications and influence this platform has on myself and also potentially others. The platform is actually structured in a way where it can be an education tool that could assist the youth of today with developing the skills to navigate life as an adult.

I'm going to break down some of these aspects in this post and hopefully you can give me an upvote on the article so I can keep on contributing.

Steemit teaches us that providing value to society is rewarded.

This is a fundamental of Steemit, but in younger generations there is a difference in what is perceived as value adding and what actually value adds to society. They are confronted with a world where image, who you date, how you look are ultimately rewarded. Therefore, it creates a generation of self focused people. The concept of value being rewarded via Steemit is actually how things work - true value is externally focused. The greater value you contribute to peoples lives the more you are rewarded. This is perfectly executed in this model.

Steemit teaches us to invest in ourselves.

Steemit has the potential to teach younger generations to invest in their own ability and to reinvest in the development of their skills. Powering up is a prime example of this re-investment. It teaches us to be focussed on the long term rather than the short term. Given we live in a world of instant gratification it is more important than ever that the younger generations begin to understand investment principles at a young age.

Steemit teaches us that our voice has value.

How often have you heard someone say, my voice or my opinion makes no difference. Wellm Steemit actually makes it clear that your voice has value. It is worth something and you should use it. Too often we witness injustice in the world because we stand idle and we don't speak out for what is right. Steemit allows you to see the direct impact of your voice and again be rewarded for it.

Steemit teaches us a sense of community

Again this is something that is going missing in the "me" centric culture that has been developing. Steemit allows a positive community to unfold, where we encourage one another and thus create a more impactful and thoughtful world. This is a prime platform to teach this to the younger generations.

To sum up, this platform is the ideal solution to shape young adults and how to prepare them for the challenges of the world, to understand what is valued and to instil great values into the next generation. It is the first social platform that comes close to provide a wide spread positive influence on society as a whole. I really hope it does unfold that way, I also hope that the younger generations are encouraged to participate in Steemit moving forward.

#steemit #steem #education #life


Steemit is elegant in the way that it provides all the benefits you speak of. Incentivizing collaborative and productive sharing is the way Steemit differentiates itself from Facebook and Twitter. And, unlike FB and Twitter's deluge of complaining people, on Steemit you actually get critical analysis.

Interesting post. Well done :)

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