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RE: Plagiarist Bitches Like This Need to be Dealt With!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

That doesn't even come close to fair use. Some people are under the false impression that if you cite the source, that is considered fair use. That is not what fair use is. What that user is doing is straight copyright infringement for the purpose of profit.

To be considered fair use, there has to be a good reason to use the photos of others. For example, if you wanted to critique them.

How in the world did you get the impression that citing a source was fair use? Misinformation like that is irresponsible to spread.


Hey there. Don't conflate copyright infrigement with plagiarism :)

Only parties allowed for grievance are the girls in the photos and Tumblr.

Don't worry, I'm not conflating the two things. The photos were copied. Only the creator has the right to copy them. The right to copy = copyright.

I do understand what you are saying though. A DMCA would have to come from the copyright holder, no matter how much we complained about it.

Yeah and as long as the parties involved don't claim the right, you can't do shit, capiche.

I am not saying I agree with the practice, I am just giving you the facts.

I don't disagree with that, I'm just saying that the copyright holders would have a case to file a DMCA. Citing the source does not protect the offender.

Fuck yeah they could and they should, UNLESS they are aware of it and don't mind the free traffic/exposure/whatever.

I am just saying, unless you are in the picture, Steemit can't do shit. I didn't express myself clearly in my first comment apparently.

I also did not express myself clearly. Apparently we are in agreement.

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