Robot project update: Arduino vs Raspberry pi

in #steemit6 years ago

Arduino vs Raspberry pi

In my last post, I was taking about building a robot and asked for some community help. I still need the help! But if course, I'm also an engineer and a problem solver, so here we go!

I searched the web for examples of similar projects and found something called Raspberry pi, which is commonly used to create robots. Now, I'm at a cross road where I have to make a choice between platforms.

Arduino is very simple to use but it is very limited in its processing power and can easily be over whelmed when to many sensors and too much computing power is required.

Raspberry on the other hand is basically a mini computer running Linux. Which means I can perform more complex tasks, but need to use complex programming. This isn't a big deal because I already know the basics of programming from my c++ haydays.

So easy answer is to use Raspberry pi. Done.

Keeping track of position by counting steps (stepper motor)

The next issue is the counting input mechanism. How do I keep an accurate count of position? I looked online and found that printers can accurately keep track of their location by having a home position (0, 0) and can use two motors called stepper motors to move a finite distance. The printer uses one motor to advance the paper a fixed distance and the other to move the ink jet head a finite distance.

So now I have to figure out how stepper motors work so I know how to control them.


Check out they sell many addon boards for arduino and Raspberry Pi. They also have an awesome learning section on their webpage with online guides that explain how to do a lot of the things you might need to do. They have just started getting into robotics basics.

Also check out Python for the programming part.

thanks for the link! That store is awesome. Ive been going through it on my commute and im going to make an order through them today.

Do you work on raspberry much? I signed up for a class on skillshare and so far its pretty good, but I need to get my hand on one to really get going.

Well...... I have 9 of them. I have purchased from Adafruit many times.

I am trying to learn Python and have written some basic code for reading temperatures from a DS18B20 sensor connected to a Raspberry Pi. I also have written some basic code for reading status from a couple of pieces of solar gear and logging the data to a database.

Check out some of my posts. I am busy packing for a 3500KM move so do not have much time right now for Raspberry Pi and/or programming.

I'm now learning python, which reality, is fairly easy, especially if you know c++. There's unforuntrately too little time in a day to do everything you want/need to these days.

Fair enough, that's a long move. Where are you going to/from?

Moving from Calgary, Alberta to London, Ontario. Moving to be closer to the wife's family.

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