STEEMIT ADS - Rain - SteemSpeak

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

steemit ads rain 2.jpg

Finally I have started my Steemit Ads Series

I thought I would start with steemspeak, its kinda like the matrix, you have to experience it for yourself.

I will try really hard to regularly do one of these, it's just something fun. Being in the ad industry for the last 15 years I could never go to town on an idea, it was always about the client. So please excuse me if some of these are lame, I'm a bit rusty and welcome any suggestions.

Just had to include this one.

steemit ads - banjo.jpg

All pictures used are royalty free... ok mostly, stop being so anal.

✯ ✯ ✯

Thanks for stopping by, I would love to know your thoughts

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great concept, although for me - the fact that the word "out-side" is spread over two lines makes it feel completely disjointed.... you almost lose the entire message right there! - I am not sure if this was the actual intention or not, but if it was, then a little more emphasis on the SIZE of that word would have made it seem a little more "intentional".

Yes, I am being anal :) lol

Hahaha thanks for the feed back, and being a tiny bit anal, but that was the nice kind. It was very unintentional, bit of a layout vs copy issue. I appreciate your comment, and I'll do better.

hehehe now you made me feel bad n stuff....

Noooooo, please don't feel bad, I asked for honest opinion, and you gave it which I am most very greatful for, constructive criticism. How do you think batman got so good?

hahahaha!!! true that ;)

I fixed it, yay!!

Nice post. I feel that such ads are necessity to increase the awareness about steemit world.

lol @ "stop being so anal".

Upvoted ! ! !

Ha, love it.
Poor Banjo..... :-D

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