HOW STEEMIT HELPS WITH YOUR THREE DOMAINS IN LIFE: Steemit as Continual Self-Development | Steemit is for all Individuals!

in #steemit7 years ago

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Here in the Philippines the professionals are obliged to undergo trainings with specific units or points to renew there licenses. The aim of this law is to promote Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

However, that is not my blog all about. I am here to talk more of steemit and how it can help us develop the the three domains in our life. Now, let me call this as Continual Self-Development.

Why do you need to read this?

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Isn't it interesting how steemit can help us develop the three domains in our life?

Are you now working where you always ask of improvements for yourself?

Are you stock with your job right now and you're looking for something new?

Is your leisure time just spent with other social media and just waiting for notifications, messages, entertainments and whatsoever and you're tired of it already?

Yes! I know your looking for something new!

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Is that something new may help you develop your whole self?

Is that something new may help you develop the 3 domains of your life: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor?

Is that something new may help you pursue your passion while learning?

Is that something new may help you learn a lot and earn as a bonus?

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Well, let me help you assess if steemit can offer you those things.

Right now, I am of a no whale here on steemit but I am trying my best to have the "whale" inside of me as what I have learned from @steemsecrets' blog.

Since I am a "whale inside" let me share to you as to how I realized the development that a human can get in working with steemit.

To give you a little background, we humans have 3 domains in our life: cognitive (knowledge), affective (emotions), psychomotor (skills). That is the reason why your teachers are giving you varied activities to cater all of those. But learning is not confined in the four areas of your classroom because a human can learn as far as the limits of a universe.

Universe is so vast that it offers everything to humans and because of humans' limitless discoveries we are now in Artificial Intelligence. Therefore, technology can also cater to human learning.

So let me represent STEEMIT for technology as our avenue to learning.

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Cognitive focuses on developing the knowledge of a person. This means, it is using your brain in different aspects of your life.

Steemit is a platform that has many users and those users are walking in different paths, this means that the users here are composed of professionals in papers and in conduct. Thinking that the community are composed of professionals in papers and in conduct, the platform works because of intellectual minds of those people.

Yes, you've heard it. You must agree with me that all steemians here have intellectual minds that has many things to share about our universe.

Reading different blogs and features can help you have an unlimited intellectual growth.

I have great respect with the authors here because it is our priority to produce articles and blogs with quality contents and delivering accurate information is one of its elements.

As a reader, your responsibility is to learn, relearn and unlearn things. If it's new to you, LEARN from it; if it's refreshing what you've learned, then you are RELEARNING; and if it is somewhat different from what you have learned before; then it must be time for you to UNLEARN. However, learning, relearning, and unlearning things is not easy and that is the reason why a reader must also learn how to do some further research before doing the three.

Moreover, these are some of the following cognitive skills that can be developed while you are on this platform; thinking, comprehension, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating.

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Affective focuses on the emotional side of a person. This means, human uses his emotions in some aspects of his or her life therefore, developing this will help each human to appreciate and give value to his/her existence and to the things that surrounds him/her.

Reading posts and blogs of the different steemians here will help you develop your affective domain.

Let say for example, you are reading the following:

Personal Life

Blogs may contain personal life of the author. When a personal life is shared here that means it comes from his/her heart so in reading those it needs a heart to comprehend and understand. Therefore, you are developing your affective domain.

Cultures featured

This may increase your way of valuing cutural differences. In addition, reading posts about different cultures of different groups of people in world would somehow create a motivation for yourself to feature your own tribe's culture.


This may also increase your perspectives with life. Whatever the main subject of the poem, it will can increase your way on how you must value your life. Poem has many to offer in fact, this can also be helpful in developing your thinking and comprehension skills by simply getting the message of the poets.

Philantrophics acts Article

Blogs with philantrophic acts will help you develop your sense of sympathy and empathy.

If you agree with me, reading philantrophic articles will help you to become really greatful with what you have in life right now.

In addition, reading blogs like this will also encourage us to do the same.

Blogs about Relationships

Yes! Reading blogs about relationships will help you with your current relationships right now: whatever the relationship you have.

Improving relationship equates in the improvement with your affective domain. That is the aim of the leaders in your different communities where you will be or you are affiliated: the development of your relationship within the members and the development of your affective domain.

If I may add; your blogs are the product of your effort, overnight production of your brain cells, and selfless expressing of your emotions. That means, you are writing with your mind and heart!

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How is it possible that your psychomotor domain be developed here?

  1. You will be writing and blogging so you will be enhancing your communication skills through written discourse, with that, your writing skills will also be improved. As a writer, our aim is to produce quality contents to speak and deliver our message properly and that is the reason why we never stop improving our communication and writing skills.

  2. If you love photography, then I am pretty sure that your blogs are more about it. No wonder, if you are here and you love photography your skills about this will really be improved.

  3. In my days of staying here I have seen different artists, I have seen there incredible works and I am proud of it. Sharing your skills in different fields of arts will help you improve more and more everyday.

  4. As what I have shared on the first part, there are many "professionals" and "professionals by conduct". I know you are one of us. By thinking that we are professionals and masters on the fields that we know, we always strive for continual improvements. We restudy each details that we must know to better expound our ideas to our readers. The more the reliability of your articles the more you will be trusted with your readers.

  5. Sharing your technical-vocational skills here will also be helpful to the community. If you are a master of it, maybe it is your time to share it here in this platform. WE NEED YOU.

  6. If you are literally fond of singing and dancing, then welcome!

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Knowing the effects of STEEMIT with the 3 domains of your life is really essential to answer the question "WHY I MUST DO STEEMIT?"


While learning you cannot deny the fact that you will be earning. That's the bonus!


STEEMIT is not only for the people who are professionals or for the people who has college degrees.

STEEMIT is for all the people in the universe who have brain, heart, and skills.

SELF DEVELOPMENT must not be expensive, you just need to find the right platform for yourself: I have found one and your are here right now. STEEMIT

"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great" - Zig Ziglar

If you still have friends who are scared to try to be part in this growing community then, it may be effective to ask them if they have these organs in their body. If they say they have it, then they are so much welcome to share their stories here.

If I miss some important ideas in this blog, feel free to share it below. I will be very happy for your big help.

"Minnow but whale inside" is what I have learned from @steemsecrets. Feel free to follow @steemsecrets for more self-development.

May I also promote @steemgigs as a witness and @surpassinggoogle as your proxy in voting witnesses. Feel free to click this link below:

Thank You so Much



Hello @ morken your post was rewarded and mentioned in our publication # 5 you can look at this here

Good day @teardrops. I thank you so much for the great opportunity. I am so overwhelmed with happiness because of the feature. Thank you so much. This will remind me to do more and inspire more.

Nice content sir... thank you for such kindhearted to share this tips... it gives me additional information on how to make things worth. GOD bless and thanks a lot.

Thank you for the appreciation maam @starzy...

Congratulations! This post been upvoted and resteem! Please continue your support by using tags #philippines and #steemph.

I agree! Growing up with little self esteem, I've never been confident enough to write about the stuff I love. And now slowly through steemit, I am starting to to write not only about the things that I am passionate about but also speaking out my thoughts.

Wow that is so good to hear. We have the same dilemma before. And right now, I am also getting confidence and esteem because of this platform. I thank you for dropping by and commenting @ajcordenete.

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