in #steemit6 years ago


In China my idea fraud or plagiarism might not be someone else's idea of fraud or plagiarism in Nigeria. My idea hate speech might not be someone else's idea of hate speech in another part of the world. Flagging allows whoever has the most money to effectively completely censor steem including investors and eliminate rewards and return on investment imagine if the bank disagreed with where you earned your money and could essentially take interest away from you on your savings account because well we didn't like that you made this in this industry, we're going to take away a part of the interest on your account. You'd immediately switch banks if they did that to you. Wouldn't you and that's exactly what's happening with the steem blockchain people getting downloaded are switching off of the Steem blockchain in mass selling hundreds of thousands of steem. Millions of steem over the last year people switching away because of being flagged, if we had simply allowed these people to make their ten posts a day and up both themselves without being. They wouldn't have sold collectively millions of dollars of steem power. We collectively would have two to ten times as valuable of a reward pool this. One feature is destroying the entire value of blockchain from an investor's point of view and I'm ashamed, I have not spoke up to it until now. I'm taking a very hard stance on this. I am righteously angry every single person who is bought steem power and upvoted their own posts and been downloaded because one or two or five or ten people didn't like what they had to say I am NOT supporting. I refuse to support a blockchain as an investor that allows for down voting. It is a form of Internet violence and bullying and I am certain that a blockchain doing something like Steem without the ability to down vote, will take off to astronomical levels now up until recently there haven't been any block chains that have seriously offered much competition.


Now the technology exists the people are working on block chains that will do steem without down voting. That will do the best of what we do here on Steem without the ability to download those posts because it will only be a matter of time until someone launches a token where you can down vote the posts and then all of the people we call, spammers and scammers will go by that and upvote themselves and then tell all their friends about it. You see lots of times the scammers and the spammers are the ones who do really effective promotion and the spammers andthe scammers will pull everyone into that new blockchain and out will go the value from Steem. We already are seeing that happening we are seeing people leave on Steem after downloading in droves and I refuse to support a blockchain that allows flagging of rewards when it's proven to be so destructive to user retention flagging posts. I've seen it again and again that users get their posts flagged and then stop posting on Steem users sell everything or you what you can argue is even worse users like me sell out and go to a voting bot and when users go to voting bots and just take all the payouts and sell them all the time. You can see there's not a lot of faith in the long term value the blockchain and when we add up all of this happening over and over again.


We're looking at a steem as a community falling apart, therefore, I'm taking a hard stance on this. I will not invest in a blockchain that allows down voting. I will not continue to hold any of the steem I've bought and I am selling the steem. I've bought until downloading is removed and I'm powering down the steem. I've bought I will continue to hold the steem. I've earned a lot of love and trust in this blockchain. I've earned alot of steem and I'm very grateful for that I will continue to hold that as long as steem is the best blogging platform in town and when we remove downloading. It will remain the best place no matter what applications come out you see when we get together and when we collaborate on this and when we show the people who have steem that we care about this blockchain that we don't like being down voted that we want everyone to have an equal say in what happens with our rewards when people are willing to download that is the disproportionate say because it messes with the human psychology, messes with the fear I have not spoke up even as I've watched people, I've loved get downloaded my wife posted on Steem. My wife was arbitrarily downloaded by one person who lowered her account reputation in the six, just because they felt like it now what you might think, why don't we get rid of that one person. It doesn't work like that you can't do that on Steem especially if someone just down votes. There's nothing you can do and B it's not the one person you see, if we got if that one person, let's say, just died someone else would fill their shoes and the fact is, there are hundreds of big stakeholders that love the power and control that comes with downloading and I see the best way to solve that is to simply sell the steem power, we've bought and make those big holders who are holding on and enjoying hitting that flag button, who are sitting there taking away rewards from people and getting off on that the way, we fight back, we sell and I'm selling and I'm selling a lot, I have already sold forty-four thousand dollars in of the steem power. I've bought in the last two months and I intend to sell. I've bought and I intend to help the price crash for steem until we get downloading removed because I've already asked nicely. I've already talked to some of the big steem power holders, I have already looked around and seen who feels what and when you look around the even at steem it ink has a huge delegation the steem cleaners to systematically downvote people and I've seen steem cleaners make very bad decisions on what to down vote, for example, an award-winning artist who was in a picture and did a portrait of President Obama that artist was downloaded by steem cleaners huge on a host because one or two people incorrectly put data over to steem. Cleaners and steem cleaners downvoted that award-winning digital artist nationally-known met with the president posting, his own original artwork was downloaded by steem cleaners. There are thousands of other similar examples to this that you won't ever hear of because they were quietly downloaded and no one stood up for them including me.

Thanks for reading and showing interest in my post.
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Regards, @momimalhi

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