in #steemit6 years ago


Will you please read this article, if you care about the future of steem because what I'm about to address is the most important issue. We're currently facing for steem and is the number one thing we need to address immediately. If we seriously hope for our blockchain to continue to grow in value and to continue to attract more investors more authors more users what I'm talking about here is down voting and the call to action. I'm suggesting is that we immediately remove the ability to down vote any post. I will share the reasons not to do this. I will share everything related to it. Let's start this out on something, we can relate to have. We been down voted before. I am one of the most down voted authors on Steem, not the very most but there are a few that have got more down votes in terms of dollars lost on posts than I have and I can tell you one thing, it stinks now for me. It doesn't stink that much I'm wealthy. I am fine at losing 20 or 50 or $100 on a post in fact most of the recent high earning posts. I got have lost me money. I promoted them with voting matza and due to down votes, actually lost money on putting up a post. Now in my case, the downfalls doesn't matter that much. Although, they do trigger all of these psychological problems that are associated with down voting. The reason of downloading is so toxic to steem because of human psychology how we behave we are programmed to avoid pain and downloading is consistently a source of pain even if it might look minor. It is allowing very active censorship on the Steem blockchain.

I am shocked at how few posts, I have seen openly going into the downloading as a subject. I hope you will look deep into this with me because as soon as you see it, you will see what I see that when we consider all of steem, everyone using it, all of the investors. This is the number one issue when we talk about what adds value to steem. How do we add value to steem, when we give people the ability to take our rewards away with down voting. When I've noticed is a lot of authors that quit posting and sell everything on Steem due to down votes while the proposed reason that we're supposed to keep down voting, doesn't work on those that need it the most. First if you don't understand what down voting is on every post. There's a little flag option on the very top of it. You might not even have noticed it. It allows us, instead of, adding an upvote to a post to add what's called a flag or a down vote. A down vote removes rewards on posts and when posts go below zero, they are hidden on some. In fact, most use their interfaces for the Steem blockchain and when your account gets down voted enough, you are not able to put images into your posts and your posts are hidden by default. This is a devastating feature that if you have not experienced it. You can hope to avoid it. You are lockout yourself lucky if you don't understand, what I'm talking about from having been flagged. You can count yourself as fortunate because I've got a bunch of examples and I'm not going to show you all of the accounts and every single example or in fact any particular accounts and examples because this allows us to focus and criticize and judge individuals. This is not about what individual people are doing. This is about our blockchain as a whole. I've seen and if you want to look and you can post about it in the comment. I've seen accounts collectively worth hundreds of thousands of dollars that got downloaded so much. In fact considering another account millions of dollars of steem that have sold everything because of these flags.

I'll give you an example from my own account and if you are wondering why I started a voting bot. This is the post two down votes led to me starting a voting bot. Now, if you have had an issue with my voting bot. If you hate voting bots two down votes are what started my voting. Two people disagreed with the post, I made seven months ago and used the flag feature on it and ruined the potential of the post because when I seven months ago when I posted this the only way to get to the top of the trending page. Generally for me because I didn't use bid bots and I didn't like them was to make a really good post at this time. I had hundreds of people on my Auto voter that I was voting to. I wrote a post that was ten thousand words a massive white paper with an idea to improve the steem blockchain. 2081 people voted on this post. Nearly, all of them probably two thousand Plus of the votes were up votes. Massive popular support to people to people came and hit this with huge down votes knocked it way down. So that, it was knocked it way down in a trending where hardly anyone even saw it relative to what it would have done without those down votes two people took the edge off this post, so to speak now from an earning standpoint two people took a hundred plus dollars in rewards off this post which was a ten page white paper, ten thousand words. I worked a really long time on and didn't post. Now, I'm not crying about the earnings in particular this motivated me to look into ways, we're down voters could not sabotage my return on my investment. We're down voters could not sabotage my contributions to the steem blockchain. After seeing how just two people down voting this post impacted my rewards and more importantly my visibility on the trending page for something that was widely supported. I realized that if I put up a voting bot. I could guarantee myself number one spot on the trending page regardless of the down votes. I could guarantee myself a good return on my steem power that would not be able to be down voted because one or two people didn't like it you see what I was doing before this. I was just posting and uploading other people. That's how, steems supposed to work write down votes ruined everything because when you're up voting hundreds of other people.



Please read carefully. Its very important for every steemit Blogger.
Please comment, Upvote and follow me @momimalhi

Regards, @momimalhi
Cheers Guys!!!

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