Coming up on 2 Months on the Steemit Platform and I FINALLY got 2 Friends to Join!

in #steemit7 years ago

Greetings Steemit Community.
Coming up on 2 Months here. I talk the Steemit Community UP to Everyone I know to include: Friends, Family, and Co-workers.

Please let me introduce Two Friends/Co-Workers who have signed up!

  • @this-time Cool Guy who knows a lot about Investing, Politics, and Survival. He just posted an Intro so show him some Love!

  • @beyondevolution Dude is a Hard Worker who is Funny as Hell. I'm still working on him as far as posting an intro.

These Guys are both Brand New so Welcome them to the Community!

STEEM ON and STACK ON Brothers and Sisters!

Upvotes and Comments Always Appreciated
follow me @missiontothemoon


Hey brother, Thank you for this post. I'm glad to be here. You've helped me out with a lot. Now lets get this party started!

Hey Mission To The Moon, Ive seen a lot of people use Random Whale. Is it worth the 2 steem you send them or no?

90% of the time I break even or make a profit! 10% I lose. I think it's well worth the Gamble and recommend it for ALL minnows if you can afford to gamble! Good Luck...

Hello thanks for the welcome.... im trying to be on more but it will all come together..... thanks for telling me about this...

Congratulation, man!

Thanks, Man Just trying to Spread the Word and get people on here! STEEM On...:)

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