
My ass @mindhunter you manually type my name now? in lol pleaseeeee,

[Takes ass whooping!] ... then types: Hee-hee :)

lol see know that pisses me off lol I cleaned my list 2 days ago but I left you on it. But I think know that I see how it is....Hmmmm I will have to manually curate your name as well. Tisk Tisk Shane

Despite your morning awakenings I think you got a wee soft spot for the hunter! Ha ha! :)

hahaha ok Mr. Manual

great video, I think I have to "clean up" my followers list as well^^
However, the steemians I really find interesting I also type in manually and also check my home feed shortly to see if one of the other steemians I follow posted something interesting ;)

went to the website, too many people in suits. scared me off.

Ha ha! Nice one @teamhumble - the word ICO scares me off too! (sometimes!)

The hunter himself....Thank you for the post , and updates

Old dogs ... new minnows :) Steem on @tinashe!

Thank you for the update

Great to have you pass by @elevator09 :)

Nice to see you man! I need a t shirt with steem :D

I need to ask @jangaladesigns to design me a Hunter Steemit t-shirt :)

Hi. Thanks. I agree that Steem should be bought right now! I will go do that right now. I also like your advise about following specific people only. Upvoted and followed

I have posted a funny blog with Giraffe photos I have taken and a blog on tigers. It would be great if you can take a look when you have time. Your comments will enrich my Steemit experience. Thanks

Im there already

Pile in? Catch the falling knife? hmmm, i'm buying bits until we see some consolidation over a 2/3 month period!

A very strategic move indeed @abh12345 :)

I've caught a few falling knives in my time and boy does it hurt!

Th secret : Only catch quality knives ;)

I'm liking the new hardfork so far. I get to give people more money. I get a real kick out of seeing the counter go up by $3 or $4 each time.

As for manually typing in @mondhunter, @mindhinter, @mudhonter, @mind.... oh bugger it, I'll just copy and past the damn thing @mindhunter,

I'm going to set myself up a list of bookmarks t make sure I check on people like yourself who actually put up useful content regularly.

The rest I can read as I get time.

So when you type in my name just remember there is a dot between trevor and george - like so

Don't get it wrong and type in You'll get some old guy talking about all the mischief he got up in the airforce back in the old days. hehehe

Hey Trev, sometimes my Chrome autofill works and sometimes it doesn't! Great Lions game last weekend! Can't wait for the next one. Off to see what your old dad is up to these days?? Yeah, really enjoying the HF as well. Spread the word in NZ mate!

hehehe yup.

I missed the game because it is only on pay-for-view TV here I think.

I stopped paying for the privilege of watching ads a while ago. And our TV doesn't get much love any more.

But it did seem like it was a good game.

I might have to see if the missus will let me out to the pub n the weekend so I can watch the next one.

The lions will always come back stronger, and i both teams don't just shut down, and play an attacking game, it should be spectacular.

I'm proof reading my dad's stuff before the rest the world gets to see it, and I'm still learning about weird stuff that he got up to before I was born.

I'm now a bit miffed about all the things he told me off for when was a kid. None of the stuff got up to was anywhere near as bad as the stuff he got up to! hehehe

I just RS his latest post - it was a right ripping yarn! I loved it! This could be family Steem Power wars here mate! Ha ha! :)

hehe thanks for doing that ;-)

He is really loving finally putting all his old stories down and sharing them with a new audience. (my mother is sick to death of hearing them again, and again, and again hehehe)

He is certainly rising faster than did. If he keeps this up he will overtake me in a couple months.

Of course if he does, that means the beers are on him........... ;-)

Whoever wins - beer for everyone - exactly Trev! Glad to hear the George family gettin' their feed at the Steemit rewards pool trough! Steem on mate! :)

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