The Stealing And Re-posting of Steemit Ideas By Certain Members Of This Community With Higher Reputations.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I'm not going to name names here or name projects, but recently I've seen a few project ideas being STOLEN from minnows and re-posted by those with higher reputations on here for very large monetary gain.

I have a decent to middling reputation on Steemit at 56, and have MANY posts experience on here, so I've seen A LOT.

I don't want this to turn into a site where GREAT minnow ideas are simply STOLEN and re-hashed by higher reputations for $100s of dollars!


Something needs to be done about it.

Whales, please take note.

Good day to you, and thanks again for reading.

Kind regards


p.s. This is my only post today in protest of this. I forfeit my other 3/4 posts for today.


Seriously... if you're going to bring something like this up, show the damned evidence. I feel like I just wasted time reading through 60 comments of an echo chamber (all speaking surprisingly similar language patterns) and I've learned nothing from this.

Who is doing it?

Please point it out so this can be rectified. Evidence works on here. I've seen it happen and it will continue happen, particularly if the parties on the receiving end of an injustice are identified with evidence to support their complaints.

this. nebulous, overbroad accusations are fundamentally unfair to the accused.

OP if you dont want to name names or cite specifics (as you say later itt) then youve got nothing to say. So don't say it.

OP if you dont want to name names or cite specifics (as you say later itt) then youve got nothing to say. So don't say it.

Ever heard of FREEDOM OF SPEECH? Are you trying to enforce CENSORSHIP? get real dude...

What a lovely robust reply, the best of this thread today!

you should come chat with me...

Not really a Steem chat teenage bopper - awaiting the more mature pm like Titter!

TYPO: Twitter! (Ha ha!)

I'd say 60+ comments are not nebulous - and as I've stated, its an observation like the many posters have seen below too. Naming names solves nothing here. We need to get it at its source - reputational imbalance in the algorithm for reputations so all have a fair shake!

IM not sure you understand the definition of the term "nebulous". It addresses paucity of substance, not quantity.

(my brain is the size of a walnut!)

Apologies for my ignorance - not many folks will admit that on here!

Also don't forget most minnows won't talk because they fear being flagged and or harassed by those people trying to keep things CENTRALIZED...

CORRECT! It's funny watching them not touch a post for fear of upsetting a whale. Most have been deballed since birth. Thank God you exist @endgame

"Calling all de-ballers - Calling all de-ballers report for whale teat sucking duties!"

"deballed since birth" - something about that phrase I like!

Seriously... if you're going to bring something like this up, show the damned evidence.

Blake are you really that blind? Steemit is BROKE and CENTRALIZED. I thought you knew better...

I had initially merely commented on this post. The gist of that comment was that if accusations are going to be made, they should be specific enough for someone to defend against them.

As that comment was flagged and made invisible, I have elected to flag the OP.

Overbroad accusations are one thing. censoring criticism of them in a thread where they appear is a step too far, IMO.

This is one of the reasons I am not developing any more on steemit. Whales can simply ignore our post and rehash it... Why would they decentralize their power? I guess certainly not to help minnows...

A damning but true statement. On the Steemit chessboard this is a TERRIBLE @endgame we are entering!

On the Steemit chessboard this is a TERRIBLE @endgame we are entering!

I guess it depends on the way you look at it. Anyway I made my last move :P

You and @mindhunter are brave minnows in the face of this pre-mined bastardized system. FULL RESPECT TO YOU BOTH FOR DISCONNECTING FROM THIS MATRIX! (I should write a post on that first sentence!)

CHECKMATE here too @endgame !

P.S. I've had my STEEMHEET idea stolen at least twice from my post! (I can mention this one as it was a personal idea - not one stolen from others!)

(seems a lot of minnow-upvotes agree with your comment @endgame !)

Yeah, that is definitely not good, unfair and outright wrong. People have lost a sense of decency. Not much can be done. You would have to prove that someone had the idea first, and even then, in reality, no one owns an idea. Ideas are timeless.

Take care. Peace.

Peace @krnel - it's the unspoken rule on here - people feel it, but say nothing. Can we sit in silence?

Certainly not. The only solution is to get people to hone their respect for others and sense of responsibility to not do these underhanded unfair things. I promote morality in my work as the #1 most important thing. It's the currency to pay attention to and spend time learning about so we can spend it and live it.

Most whales leave morality at the Steemit door - driven purely by greed my friend. In the Matrix of Steemit, I try to be Morpheus ;)

Plagiarism is not the same thing as 'stealing' ideas. If it were then we would all be stealing from Leonardo Da Vinci,Buckminster Fuller,Robert Anson Heinlein or hundreds, if not millions of other people including me. (buy my books) who had ideas and never do anything with them.

Stealing 'ideas', then working on them, writing an original paper or article, and posting is not wrong. Copying something word for word and taking credit for it is....

If you see plagiarism don't be shy, point it out.
Be SURE that it's plagiarism.

I think he means, if you see an idea, upvote that post so the originator makes money. Instead of copying it, changing wording and making money off it yourself.

curating money? what an excellent idea.

We need curation of reputations - the old pre-bought, pre-minded reputations need an algorithm OVERHAUL!

curation of reputations - I love those words!

In the words of @endgame (with 6 votes to his comment): "This is one of the reasons I am not developing any more on Steemit. Whales can simply ignore our post and rehash it... Why would they decentralize their power? I guess certainly not to help minnows..." - NEVER A TRUE WORD SPOKEN MORE!

The chess board needs clearing, and we need a reputational reboot!

This would certainly end the whale abuse of power, reputation and the stealing of ideas!

Why do you spam post this frog muppet everywhere on Steemit. I cannot understand your brain??

spam? only chosen post get dat boi

OK Boss, my apologies. Been under the spam bot cosh 4 the last few days! LVE YU!

im a bit unstable but I noscope <3

Instability is a stable feature I find in Steemit!

Post. Script: I'm hoping that no one plagirizes or steals this idea from this post!

Steemit is just another Mazacoin in my estimation - it's a scam - totally pre-mind like Mazacoin, the minnows fled within 3-6 months - the same will happen here too, regardless of any hard forks to redress any reputational imbalances.

I really hope this is not another TitCoin!

(Yes! There really was a crypto-coin called that! And a Wankcoin too!)

Prepare for a TitCoin landing - fasten your seatbelts!

I've seen abuse on here too - I saw an IndieGoGo campaign on here that someone had cloned. Thus I agree with your entrepreneur abuse comment on here.

I see at least 2/3 IndieGoGo campaigns on here cloned every week! (I'm a BIG IndieGoGo fan BTW!)

Kickstarter - I usually see at least 1-2 ideas a week stolen from there too!

I'm guessing you're not talking about copyright violation here? Are you suggesting that by taking the idea and rehashing it then posting it they are effectively stealing the "parent", where as if they had engaged with the Minnow on the post the "parent" would stay with the Minnow?

Too many "bastard child" ideas on this site for my liking - the whales are raping the minnows at will on here! It's shocking and its needs to stop!

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