The Best 5 Lessons I've Learnt On Steemit On My 2000th Post!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Lesson #1. "Some will love and some will curse you baby!" as Bon Jovi once sang. Some folk will love your Steemit posts and comments - they'll be friendly, honest and really open with you. Other will not. Others will accuse you of: flagging, trolling, spamming, scamming, being a bot etc etc...(hell they may even accuse you of watching CP on the Darknet Yup! Someone accused me of that early on! "MUTE!!")

THE BOTTOM $ IS THIS: IGNORE THEM ALL. They don't matter. Your here to create your own blog and do your own thing. Nothing else matters.

Lesson #2. Yes! Your here to create and do your own thing - not to make people understand. Don't be afraid of your own voice. Don't be afraid to connect with other people emotionally on Steemit. Creation is the best human asset we have. Don't sit in silence. Your Steemit blog is a gift. Strut your stuff like a cockerel and defend your Steemit territory! (photo of cockerel defending Steemit territory!)

Lesson #3. Comments, Comments, Comments: This is where the true emotional connections are made on Steemit, in the comments section. I have lots of favourite users that I like to comment on like @bullionstackers @darknet @dakini-don and @ladypenelope1. Build up a good fan base for your blog and the $'s will slowly trickle in.

Lesson #4. Don't come on Steemit expecting to make lots of $'s - you'll FAIL! If you come on here expecting to create the best content you possibly can - then you'll WIN!! Strain every sinew in your body to write the best articles that you possibly can!

Lesson #5. The most important of all: YOU GOTTA HAVE STAYING POWER!! I didn't get my first viral post until I'd composed 1515 posts on Steemit! Can you believe that??

My second viral post came nearly 400 posts later! It takes time to build up a reputation on Steemit, so don't shy away. After having 100 posts sitting there at $0.00 (Yup! I had that too!) it can be so easy to give up. DON'T!!! Keep plugging away. It worked for me!

Finally, please do FOLLOW me if you've enjoyed this post, and feel free to leave any comments below - I promise I will reply. Good luck to all STEEMERS!

@mindhunter - "2000 posts down!!....ONWARDS to 3000!!!"


Keep going buddy. I am at 800+. Will reach you soon :)

Give me your hand - I'll give ya a help up ;)

I am 1/4 from you that is your information was very helpful @mindhunter Thank you!

Even if only one sentence has touched you, it's been worth it :-)

Not one, believe me. I have my own vision of Steemit, and your lessons just have proved it.

Great Post!
I totally agree with EVERYTHING you said. Especially about the comments and not giving up. It is VERY disheartning to spend a lot of energy making a good post expecting it to do good and then make a few cents!
Yet if you just focus on creating quality content with no expectation, then if it does well its EXCITING!!!
I am going to start following you now as it seems like you will be a good person to be connected with.
Steem ON!

Thanks for not giving up @quinneaker - keep trying to be the best person you can be on here. You got a NEW FOLLOWER ;)

Awesome to connect with you here and I hope to find more valuable content from you and hope to be able to post content worthy of your follow!
I have high hopes for this community and feel it is important for us to dedicate our selfs to creating the platform we WANT it to be rather than just accept it as it is.
We are the power~*~

Life only has meaning in the struggle - its hard work to make good content on here - so come, let us celebrate the struggle!

Yes contrast is essential for experience. There is no light without darkness~
I would not say its hard to create good content but it is very difficult to get compensated well for it unless like another comment said (your charlie) hahaha as we both agree we do not want to be him but ourselves yet I would also say we would prefer getting 2k a post no?

Quirky posts - quirky mind - gotta be the @mindhunter

I got a quirky heart, a messy soul, and a reckless mind!

2 viral posts in 2000 posts = 1 viral post per 1000 posts! Wow! Hard work ahead for me then....for us on low SP that is!! (were not all Charlie Shrem!)

@lynchiandream I never wanted to be Charlie Shrem. I want to be me.

You made me want to be me @mindhunter - 3000 here we come!

Your mad! Your the anti-Shrem! Thank God you exist!!

The anti-Shrem! Great wordage. Maybe that should've have been my username @antiShrem

(probably end up with a NEGATIVE reputation and no $'s EVER! - the Shrem hate mob campaign would be MAHOOOOSIVE!!)


Looking forward to many more.

Tis' a BRUTAL STAMINA MONSTER alright! Thanks for the BIG WORDS!

Thanks for the tips! Followed 👍🏽

Thank you for all the info, great post.

No problem. You have a new FOLLOWER :D

Thanks for all the up-votes so far - "STAY LIONS!!!"

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