
This article has a lot of opinions stated as fact, has content from someone who has a personal issue with @dantheman, and has a blatant plug/advertisement for one of Steemit's competitors. Very trustworthy source :)

Your personal politics have nothing to do with the definition here - its well accepted by the crypto-community who know a lot more about this than you and I do. Your smoke and mirrors will not work here :-)

87.5% - no change, no change.

It's not really personal politics. I am questioning the credibility of your source. There are a lot of things about it that make it questionable in my opinion. Also to make a broad claim that "the crypto-community" agrees with you, is not going to make me all of a sudden buy into what you are saying.

QUOTE: STEEM is not decentralized. From the beginning it was and still remains highly centralized. The launch of the STEEM network was heavily rigged to ensure that the developer and his ‘friends’ had control over majority of supply. Furthermore, this has major implications for the Steemit platform.
The top 247 accounts on Steemit (most of which are probably owned by the developer and his ‘friends’ through duplicate accounts) own ~87.50% of total stake, without including the main steemit account which is also controlled by the dev. Although any user can vote for content, the influence of your vote corresponds to the amount of STEEM you convert on your account. This means the typical user’s vote is almost meaningless unless they manage to acquire a high stake in total supply.

EDIT TO ARTICLE: Pre-mine changed from 80% to 87.5%! OUCH!!!

Hmm... seems doomed to fail. This makes me sad.

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