
Mindhunter- Just discovered you via your youtube channel and glad I did. The daily insight vids are what I enjoy best and helps me stay on top of things with a busy schedule. Thanks for providing this service, it is very much appreciated. Followed and upvoted. ✌️

Mind hunter has that hustle, number 1 poster on steemit... I'm trying to be just like him 😂🙌🏼

Haha, that's good to see, can't knock the hustle!

Your hustle game is strong 😂🙌🏼

You like it @steemdoge & I'll keep doing it my friend ... Daily Dose to follow later ;)

Sounds great!

So, I clearly have no idea what I'm doing here, lol. I'm just going to keep posting my stories and, hopefully, I'll pick up little steemit tricks here and there. Here's a question I have for you: do you aim to resteem a certain number of posts every day? Is their a magic number?

There are no RS rules or any kind of rules here Jen! It's a continuous learning exercise on here for the first 3-4 months until you get all the Steemit basics under control. Please don't fret, and steem on! :)

My favorite thing you mentioned in here is how some people are just in here to take, take, take. It's like that in every market and industry. There are always the takers, but it takes me back to reading Bob Burg's book called the "Go Givers." It pays to give first. And I think this platform shows that more than almost any content based platform I've ever seen.

I'll check out the book on Amazon Brendan - cut and pasting as we speak! Thanks buddy - keep giving all you possibly can to Steemit ;)

Unlimited possibilities, the opportunity is huge 🙌🏼🙌🏼

Yeah, but you gotta stack away SP like a mad thang @stackin - you know how the game works on here now old friend ;)

Great video very interesting Id like to learn a little more about this because bitcoin got me hooked I cant stop buying it lol

Stay tuned for my Daily Dose later @amazingprofit :)

Great vid, thanks!

Off to do my Daily Dose vid soon :)

Good post, good video. Answering some good questions and giving advice.

Hi Senor, if you'd like me to make any videos with your questions, do let me know OK. Cool :)

I haven't got that much steem power so 1% is tiny. But I'm sticking to it hoping people find my work engaging

Get the quality right first @debunked and the followers will come :)

Thank You for the amazing post ! Took some notes as well

superwoman post 3 min old video 8 min long how

Thanks @journeyoflife - stay tuned for the Daily Dose later on :)

Great vido @mindhunter, missed you today! How did the dentist go?

Got to have a filling next week :( How are things with the hubby in Europe?? I guess you'll be the one needing a vacation after all of this!! A real pain with this being down too. Many are off to Discord these days. I still have to buy a headset! I promised @fyrstikken the big man to get my ass on there!!

The chat was working again this morning. Yea things aren't going to well today. Hubby didn't find what he was looking for in Germany. 😞

I spoke with my sister last night and she said the 5 year survival rate for spinal sarcomas of all types is not good :( Glad your feeling happier today though :) Lady Fortuna eh! Gotta love her absurdities.

No im not feeling happier today, lol you read it too fast! I am feeling worse! I know with stage II sarcoma and because he was an athlete and in good health they say 4-5 years but that's BS. He has lost 25lbs already. I don't feel like doing anything today but lay in bed.

Lady Fortuna has many bitch slaps ready in wait for you @road2wisdom, but only bad things happen when good men (or women) goto ground. You must get out of bed girl and face the the emotional cost of all of this. Yes, it will be painful, but the alternative is much worse. What you resist persists right? You cannot resist or avoid this emotional pain. But you already know all this. You just have to put it into practice. There is a new life ahead needing building. It's time to build my beautiful friend :)

Yes, I know I cant stay in bed anything I have a son to take care of! I can't show him any weakness.(its different when you are a parent, you have to be strong, not for yourself but for my son) I want him to grow up being strong-minded and well balanced. Yeah like ive said I have dealt with my father dying of lung cancer and watching his turn to bones in from of my eyes to his last breathe in his bedroom. But life moves on, right Shane?

It's easy to say that last sentence, but a hundred times harder to execute it.

Lady Fortuna has been kind to me today though: I just received my first Power Down payment of: 876.569 STEEM and sent it to my bittrex account :)) Life is indeed absurd. Love from the Happy hunter!

P.S. Keep building Sheryl OK ... you and your boy have an incredible journey ahead of you! :) Embrace it. Do not fear it. #fearlesshunter <3

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