Sorry everyone, I'm going to be taking a break for a while.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

I've had 11 of my posts flagged because @transisto disagrees with the payout of my work.

Because of this, I've decided to stop posting my stories here on

I guess I'll have to concentrate on my writing.


Those flags seem out of line to me. It's not like serialized fiction is a scam, or even a new idea. (Anyone heard of Charles Dickens?). A daily chapter in an ongoing story is actually a pleasure in my day, and the sort of thing I'd like to see more of.

I spoke up for you and @suesa under transisto's comment.

As an admin for a writer's group on Discord, I find this worrying and a hot topic for discussion today. I am sorry this has happened to you It is making a lot of people at The Writers' Block rethink if Steemit is their platform of choice.

This action makes me feel very worried about the future of steemit for content creators. More worried than I already am - and I have a long list.

I'm not a fiction reader, but I have gone through's posts at times and been SO IMPRESSED with her dedication, talent, and creative drive. If someone comes after Michelle - none of us has a chance to succeed with content here.

It's already hard enough to succeed with content on steemit. Please go attack the comment spammers instead of the superstars.

A bit of advice, fight back a bit. Write an article about it, outline the injustice, ask for help, tag dan, or anyone bigger. Make him sweat. I've had this issue before, it worked out just fine. Don't give up, maybe pull back for a few days and try again.

I agree. You need to call his bluff and fight this.

I respect your decision to stop... Your novel is worth more than what the steem network has to offer. I wanted to post a novel here a long time ago, and of course only chapter by chapter makes sense. But the drama of who should and shouldn't be getting paid is far more important to some of the major stake holders here. So I never posted it.

People often do not understand how much labour goes into creative work, and they don't care. I post my comic and illustrations, but not because I feel I get the rewards I should. On the other hand I have had a lot back from the community - two translators that make the comic available in German and French - people that follow it and help promoting it etc.

I somehow resign towards the whole whale-drama. The richest get to decide is in my opinion not the way you create a system that rewards good content. But Steemit works and to me it is better than nothing.

Who the hell do they think they are to decide what post deserves what reward. We choose to upvote your top quality posts and stories, it's our votes and they have no right to say how those who follow and upvote you use OUR votes.

The whole wild-west setup of Steemit makes this negative way of using your power legit. Sad way to use your influence though.

The policing has gotten out of hand by self righteous vigilantes. There is too much in fighting and jealousy now. What happened to our steemit?

This is really unfortunate that your original writing is somehow considered abusing the rewards pool. I also don't see where you only have 20 votes on any of your posts. Most of your stories are in the hundreds.

I find myself spending less and less time on steemit. There is really becoming more and more garbage posts that should be flagged getting through the cracks and making money and now the stuff that should be getting rewards is being flagged for ridiculous reasons.

Steemit has such great potential but it seems to be moving in the wrong direction.

I don't see how this abuse in any way. Why would he do this? Is he jealous of your hard work? How much original content has he posted? Please let us know where you will be posting so we may follow...

It seems he prefers " Why you got flagged " posts to positive content That would attract users.

Very true. I haven't seen any positive content coming from him. Only witch hunt stuff.

@transisto expressed in the MSP waves show just yesterday that the value of steem comes from people wanting to get to the trending page. This means that regardless of the quality he and Bernie can put a very unwelcoming "these people can't make money here" post on the trending page for all potential new users and investors to see.

Obviously I disagree with this and you can watch my vlog on my most recent post (also flagged by Bernie) which explains why.

I have seen your vlog and have commented.

Happened to me back when I started - I was supposed to have part in a large reward because I had revealed a plagiarist. But then someone rich found the reward to big and flagged.

I just resigned back then and kept on going - it is how this place is designed. But it would be nice if a system could be thought out that seemed more fair than just, the richest decides - (that is the principle Steemit is designed on).

I love your work, your content is excellent and original, you are not a vote farmer, spammer, or oops paster....I disagree with their choice!

Hey @transisto, I don't normally weigh in on flagging controversies, but it seems there is overwhelming support for the content is providing. I don't want to see writers of original content discouraged. Will you reconsider your flag? Thanks, @lovejoy.

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