[PERSONAL] Of Steemit Goals and Personal Resolutions

in #steemit8 years ago

I am committed to seeing where Steemit goes and being part of its growth!

Meredith Loughran September 3, 2016 I love #Steemit

Steemit Goals

Let me preface this by saying:

I love #Steemit

In the time I've been here, I believe that my writing has improved. I attribute a large part of that improvement to Steemit because there is a sense of honesty and openness that has allowed me to express myself without filters.

I don't have to worry about someone flagging my posts because of content or language. It's the first forum where I've truly felt FREE TO BE ME.

There are people like @karenb54 and @positivesteem who, like me, share openly about how we cope with our special needs children: our pain, our worry, our hope...

And I'm inspired to stretch my creative wings because members like @phoenixmaid @poeticsnake @kaylinart @kimal73 and @opheliafu are so giving of their crafts, talent, and how-tos. I've borrowed my husband's colored pencils and templates to create my first mandala! To be posted later.


Here is a SnapChat poem that I wrote: What My Tribe Means To Me

It is written and narrated by me and originally published on SnapChat.

I crave real people.

I can just hear @neoxian and @papa-pepper say: You eat people??? LOL

Yes. Yes! And on PMS days I crave fat, drooling babies too. Nom Nom Nom!

When I became online active in 1999, I was a stay a home mom with three small children. I was also in a psychologically and emotionally abusive marriage. And though I had worked from the time I was 15-years old, my husband interpreted my wedding band as handcuffs to household and kids.

Through the internet, I was able to connect to real people and have adult conversations. Though I have not personally met them, they have been my friends for over 15 years. We care about each other. Our families know that should something happen, we are on each other's need to know list. Sadly, I've grieved the passing of several online friends. They were more than a username to me. Had their family not messaged me, I would have felt like they hit the delete button on all our years of camaraderie.

What I will NOT do to build my tribe

I will not blindly follow for follow.

In fact, I was thinking about unfollowing everyone and revisiting my posts to see who is engaged and add my people.

When I first came to Steemit, the masses were talking about whales and how to get their attention. Well, I'm done with that. If I haven't got on their radar by now, it's probably not going to happen.

Gone with the Wind Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn
gif credit: Giphy

With the exception of a choice few, they're on the ix-nay list too This is not sour grapes!

I don't want to follow people for the sake of following them especially if they never talk about subjects of any interest to me. Don't get me wrong, there are a few whales that I will continue to follow because I consider them mentors (whether they know it or not) - or they have news about Steemit changes and policies.

If you try to look at it from their perspective, I'm sure it's pretty disheartening to be bombarded by so many people vying for attention simply because they have powerful votes. What happened to courtesy and reaching out because they might be cool people?

To build a solid foundation of cool people, you have to get to know them first. We do this by actively searching for content of interest. We do this by leaving thoughtful comments AND hitting the upvote button. We do this by giving people a shout-out if they've inspired a post.

Instead of having a take, take, take mentality - how about a giving mentality? Be a Steemit philanthropist. You don't need to be a whale to make an impact on someone.

Goals by the numbers

At the time of this post, I've got 128 followers. My goal is to build that up to 500 followers by the end of the month. I do not think this is unrealistic. The key is engagement.

I'm not going to sweat it if I don't reach that goal because the only thing I have control over is me.

Who are my ideal readers?

I know we don't have any control over who follows us. I've scrolled through my shortlist and wondered: What inspired them to hit the follow button?

My people are dark, twisty souls who have an amazing sense of humor, are creative in their own right, who have too much to do and not enough time or help to do it. One of their biggest challenges would be that they often give too much of themselves. My ideal reader loves art, pets, recipes, and likes to escape from reality with a little fiction or fancy.

They are humble and down to earth. They will give you a moment's notice because they want to and not because they have to. The people I mentioned earlier - These are people I connect with.

What does your ideal reader look like?

The money goal

I hate the subject of money, but I'm here because of the potential to earn. So yes, I do have a money goal, and it may surprise you.

$500 a month

If I actually earned $500 a month on Steemit, I could stop looking for part-time work outside the home. I am lucky enough where we've cut our expenses to the point where we can live off my husband's paycheck - but there's nothing left for extras like date night once a month, or silly things like ice cream, or going to watch a hockey game. Go BOLTS!

Frugal living has given me a whole new appreciation for the little luxuries that so many people take for granted.

Personal resolutions

Yeah...personal resolutions. SIGH
If it's on the internet, it has to be real, right? LOL

Okay. So... I made a promise to myself that if I found steady freelance work I would quit smoking.
Since I finally figured out how to trade bitcoin to cash/Paypal, Steemit is now on my husband's radar as a viable means of work. So, without him knowing about the promise I'd made to myself, he says, "Now that we've got internet at the house, why don't you treat that Steem-a-bob thing like your part time job?"

Well, shit. I wasn't quite ready to give up that nasty habit and I'm jonesin' pretty bad right now, but I haven't had a smoke since he said that this morning.

I've also been accepted as a Municipal Liaison for Florida: Online: Elsewhere for this up and coming #NaNoWriMo season. Not only will I be committed to engaging, mentoring, and organizing my fellow WriMos, I've got to write 50,000 words toward my next novel...AND keep a consistent presence on Steemit. @phoenixmaid wanted tips on time management. I'll need tips on how to keep my sanity.

As my husband would say: Have ya got any other resolutions tizzy-lish?
Well yeah. Actually, I do.

I am resolved to being an upstanding member of the Steemit community.
I am committed to being a part of its growth and success.
While money is a motivator - it's not the only motivator. I've been splitting my earnings between BTC and STEEM because I see value here and I want to see Steemit survive and thrive beyond beta.

Final thoughts

Are we connected?

Hey! Don't get offended. Since I'm going to take a part of the day to unfollow all of you, make sure you message me to let me know you're one of my people.

I do love a clean house

I do love a clean house.

And if you know someone who has quality content and looking for one more fan, please let me know who they are in the comments section. I rarely look on the trending, hot or promoted tabs so wading through pages of horseshit posts is daunting. I'll gladly take your recommendations to heart and go visit them.

If you like my content, please consider upvoting and visiting my other articles. Your comments are always appreciated.

Meredith Loughran sharing knowledge bombs, humor and life stories on Steemit

Meredith Loughran blogs at ScribblingBandits.com | Follow her on Twitter & SnapChat or LinkedIn

Come see what I've been writing! Visit my blog page


Mmm, delicious peoples.


Likewise a refreshing post! Good luck with the cigarettes, damn but thats a hard thing to shake!

I quit the first time 22 years ago before I got pregnant with my first son. Then moving, hardship, worry, and boredom got me. It started with a drag and progressed to 3/4 of a pack! The problem with breaking a bad habit is literally spending the day thinking about not doing the thing - which is, in a twisted way - thinking about doing the thing. WAHHHHH!

Lol, I know exactly what you mean. I have quit loads of times. In fact I swear its getting easier each time hehe

You eat people?

...And fat, drooling babies???

No wonder you're not hungry for a scorpion @merej99!

How can one possibly resist the little piggies of a chunka-munster? But beware, baby toenails are sharp! so chewing on both feet at the same time can be dangerous.

And its a pleasure to have someone who cares to talk to. Good look on your €500 a month hun

It's a good thing I have other eggs in a few more baskets. I'm still transcribing and doing front-end web design but since I didn't have internet at my house until yesterday, it's been hard to keep steady work.
So, we move forward. :)

How did you survive without Internet, I would be lost my poor fingers would hand to tap away by themselfs how would I cope even the thought scares me lol

God, woman I love you! You are one of the most amazing people around here! I do believe I fit your rules to be your perfect reader like a glove :D

You are definitely one of my people, Bibi! And imagine that we may never have crossed paths if it wasn't for Steemit?!

Put that cigarette down and get to work on that mandala! I'll be able to tell if you've smoked whilst making it- the art talks! :D
I'm looking forward to seeing your beautiful artwork.
P.S. you can always PM me if you need advise with materials.

Hmm I may join you on the quitting the ciggies mere, I have a small pouch of tobbacco left and have been promising myself that each pouch would be the last. it about time I kept that promise.

@merej99 Great post well done! You are my steemit inspiration lol! See you at the top :-)

Hi Meredity,
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