in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


I recently got a comment from @mfestra on one of the posts where I just share the news from Crypto Noticias (Crypto News) saying:

“hola Meli, esto de las nuevas redes sociales parecidas a Steemit esta a la vanguardia, he escuchado de unas redes que estan en fase beta que suenan muy prometedoras y que vale la en invertirles o al menos echarles un ojito, “”por cierto debes tener mas tiempo en la red que yo, y sabes que el contenido original es el que premia, no nos salvamos solamente colocando la fuente”” :) me pareceria muy interesante leer tu opinion sobre esta nueva iniciativa de iniesta y puyol, yo estoy leyendo de otra red que pronto colocare mi analisis a ver que tal, bueno, un abrazo“

The double quotation says:
“”By the way, you must be on the network longer than I , and you must know that IT IS THE ORIGINAL CONTENT THAT IT IS REWARDED, WE WON’T BE SAVED BY JUST PLACING THE SOURCE OF YOUR POST””

Although I am against plagiarism, nudity wrongfully posted, racist posts and everything that can bring negativity to STEEMIT, I have in the past urged STEEMIANS to stay active in the community; I have openly said that the STEEMIT white paper never asks for ONLY ORIGINAL CONTENT to be posted on STEEMIT, but suggests for the users to remain Posting, UpVoting, Commenting and Sharing. It is the users activity that feeds the network and not what the users want to feed it with.
At STEEMIT we are ALL CURATORS, everyone that stays active in the network becomes a curator by helping the network to stay alive; we are like active computers helping STEEM to process its transactions and we are the network with the most TRANSACTIONS PER SECOND (TPS)
When people come to you asking for “help” to find “Original Quality Content”, they are just trying to make STEEMIT to their own idea, they ask you to “delegate” STEEM POWER, or send them STEEM, or ask you for a fraction of it in exchange for a share of the curation rewards that they collect.
This is a fraudulent activity. The original idea of @dan Larimer and @ned Scott was for never for these groups lead by whales to become RULERS NOR JUDGES OF THE CONTENT PUBLISHED IN STEEMIT but for the entire community to come together in a consensus to decide trough the UPVOTE what was quality and what wasn’t. The STEEMIT algorithm CANNOT DISCRIMINATE against poor written or edited posts, the bot cheetah is in charge of analyzing at the speed of light if you committed plagiarism, action that is not only reprehended but punished by lowering the reputation of the user that commits such a violation.
Let’s stop this nonsense “ORIGINAL QUALITY CONTENT “ myth; let’s play fair and respect the individual right of every STEEMIAN, that is fighting to succeed in this community by expressing what we are through our posts.

I beg for @ned and the @steemitteam to come together and save the integrity of this amazing platform.
Thank you for reading.

Disclosure; the image is from google and the content is mine 🤘😊👍


buenas noches,ando visitando los buenos amigos para apoyarnos mutuamente soy nueva aqui,estoy iniciandome hoy,espero contar con su apoyo y colaboracion y mantener una bonita amistad,estare pendiente de sus trabajos,saludos

Gracias Petra, bienvenida a STEEMIT.
Disfruta y mantente activa, la vida de la red depende completamente de tu actividad y honestidad en ella.
Bienvenida al FUTURO amiga 😊

thanks dear @melip for sharing your great experience
@upvoted & @resteemed

I appreciate your continuous positive thoughts and support 👍

Dear @melip i am come back.. upvoted and resteemed...


Great job my friend, I’m glad everything worked out for you 🤘😊👍

Cada quien decide que contenido publicar y tu tienes tu espacio donde nos traes noticias de las que ninguno busca por sí mismo y tambien publicas tus propios contenidos, todos nos mantenemos activos en esta red como nos gusta y nos hace sentir bien, estoy de acuerdo contigo.

Gracias @jessalin, me encanta la excelente habilidad de expresión que posees 😊

Saludos amigo cada quien aporta lo que le gusta y se mantiene activo con sus preferencias, siempre respetando a cada autor y tú has hecho un buen trabajo con todas tus informaciones y buenas noticias.

Agradezco tus palabras y tu apoyo caballero 👊

Hello friend @melip, to see this publication I have a concern, I would like to know why when I vote in other publications I do not generate any points. Might you help me ??

Your points as you call them are redeemed every seven days and it won’t be much due to the low amount of STEEM POWER in your wallet but it for sure helps STEEMIT being alive.

amigo lo apoyo,usted ha hecho muy buen trabajo de informacion para nosotros siga adelantedoy mi voto y resteem.saludos

Gracias amigo mío, te agradezco tu constante apoyo 😊

Good post, resteemed🥇

Thank you so much my friend 👊

Thank you my friend 👊

You are welcome, friend 👊

ita an informative news.
thank you @melip
@upvote & @resteem done

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