See The Steemit In It

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Struggling to think of what you're next post can be about?

Take a look around you! Recently I was talking to a new steemian who was trying to think up ideas for posts and I pointed out two things that were so commonplace to him that he hadn't even thought they might be interesting. For his sake I shan't ruin it and say what they are!

It made me think. In a sex and the city kind of way, (only minus the pointy high shoes and bahjeena) LEGEND_20170528_200111.gif
Things which can be commonplace to you can really be interesting to others and a post would certainly be a way of finding out. It could be anything. For example...


Go on! Share your favourite? Discuss the style you like. Review one or even share your own writings. There is a wealth there that you can mine that people will be interested in.

Maybe you play an instrument? You could share your playing or describe the music you love.

I know more than one Spanish word, I promise :0)

Have a pet? Go on, show us it! Or you could enter the steemit photo challenge!! For example this week is animal portraits.


What about the outdoor life? Go on get blogging about your garden or your exploits in the great outdoors.


My point being is that when you are stuck for ideas, take a moment to look around you. You never know what will strike!

Make GIF's, memes, digital art. Strap a camera to your head get drunk and ride a bike. The resulting film will be awesome. Do not limit yourself to what you think you can do. If in doubt try something new. You might end up being amazingly good at it and then you shall be king!

I did film myself whilst drunk on a bike once. The footage is immense especially because I crashed at the end whilst shouting 'Das is verboten!!'

The above exhortation to get drunk and cycle a bike is strictly humour. If you don't see this then please, under no circumstances should you drink and drive


I felt the same months ago:


I agree! That's great! I never thought of it that way. Very imaginative!

Nice dude. There is a lot of this going on in my head the last few weeks literally. I started posting some more personal stuff weeks ago, even a salad picture today and normally that is not what I would post but I am branching out some.

You never know what will work on here so I just post what I want, deal with the haters and whale flags and keep moving LOL.

I never expected to earn anything here so I have met good people here, connected with them outside of here, and that means something to me also.

I like the more personal stuff! Its totally the thing to do. Branch out and see what sticks!

I have met good people too which is awesome and something you couldn't saay for anywhere else! Aye alright then, maybe you're one ;O)

fantastic @meesterboom, keep these good vibe encouraging posts coming. fantastic advice. much love

Thank you very much!! Doing my best :0D me...
is you..
is us!!
is everywhereeeeee!!!

A song for the ages!!! I can almost hear you now ;0)

You are so correct!

Hey @meesterboom this is great for those who struggle on what to write about, my problem is I have too many things I want to write about lol.

You should start up a lending library of ideas!! :0)

I love this. Lately whenever I learn how something out there works and is structured in more detail I immediately compare to how block-chain technology would make it better, goes without saying that same thing could be built on the Steemit blockchain.

Random thought, leasing cars that accept steem/sd payments, turn your car into a leasing company of its own when you don't need to use it.

Yeah, I find myself doing similar all the time. Everything money wise I think about steem payments or similar disrupting everything. I was explaining the downsides of bitcoin to a friend (wild times) and kept comparing it to steem, obviously no contest!

:D I often ask myself why adaption is so slow, and when the time will come when there are so many people involved in this and adaption rate to better tech becomes so big that switching from one currency to another goes way faster than how long its taken it for btc -> eth right now.

Yeah, thats the thing. We are most likely on that tipping point where it seems like it is taking an age but once the major switch from BTC is done then we could see a whole cascade of em! :OD

Its like the singularity in coin trading is upon us.

@meesterboom UpVoted & Followed 4 days now & Resteemed... Thank You

I'm 11 days new to Steemit and learning everyday. Thanks Again AND Have a Great Weekend !!

      ~~~ STEEM On !!! ~~~

I am now following you back! I hope you are loving it, if you ever have a question you need answered just ask. Hopefully I can help!

@meesterboom... Thank You 4 Your offer to help. Right now I'm studying everything as much as I can, so I don't ask too many "dumb" questions... Thanks again !!

Well dont worry about that, there are no daft questions! :OD

A very awesome post about what & how one should go about using Steemit. Guys a must read for you all...

so about your passion in will come thru :-)

Definitely so. I believe in that completely!!

I think the "Secret" on Steemit is that there is such a wide range of creative expression here that you can post about pretty much any idea that enters your head... and you'll discover that there's a sub-community here that's actually interested in it.

One of the things I really like is that I do NOT feel like I have to go "popular topic hunting" in order to produce content that'll be seen.

That is exactly what I think too. Sometimes I know that people can get caught up thinking will it make money? When really they will never know what earns for sure so should just post what interests them.

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