RE: Invest in Steemians Like You Would With Cryptocurrencies
I've got room in my portfolio for the JED coin!! I consider you a true friend matey chops. Oh the times we have riffed back and forth within the comments. Countless joyous times.
In fact I will go so far as to say you are Top Donk! (Top Donkey if you're not in the know) That's is an accolade that isn't handed out a lot.
I do agree with so much in this post. I am guilty of visiting friends blogs over my feed time and time again when time is short. Did I say time? Perhaps I did as my time is severely limited. lol. I still trawl my feed but it's by friends I am more concerned with first.
Comments are king, and views obvs but comments. Oh man, I am so distressed when I have a post littered with spammy nice post bastarts.
Enjoy your festive break and possibly some snow muckeroon!! :OD
I feel so fortunate that it's the case because the BOOM coin is one of the best investments I've made! BTC can suck it! The BOOM only knows one direction, and it's UP! I never thought I would ever regard people I met over the internet as true friends, but now I have a handful of them. I'm happy to count you among the few, matthew BROderick! I put you, @dreemit and the others before most of my non-internet friends every time!
One day, I do believe, that people would look back at our epic comment threads and be inspired at the friendship we have forged. Quite unlike any other comments I've seen here! Oh you know I'm in the know! You are Top Donk up there with me as well!
Comments are king, and no matter how people manipulate votes and views, genuine comments are hard to fake. It's an undeniable sign of interaction, and it really makes posts come alive after posting! I'm so lucky that I made that poem about your photo when I did haha!
They really are and I am glad you have touched upon that. The views and the votes can all be messed around with but the comments, real comments are the gold in which this house is built. They are the flat that underpins the earth. THEY ARE LAMENT!
Sorry, got lost in my thread a bit. You know what I mean! :OD
LAMENT is the foundation to which our epic friendship is built. No matter how many conversation we would have in other forms, the ones we had, are having and will have in the comments located in the STEEM blockchain will forever be unmatched! I await one half of the plaque we are due. You should be receiving your half three or five days before I do, because our customs bureau here is shit.
Ah the lament. The sweet sweet lament.
I look forward to my half of the plaque. I shall hand it on my wall in silence and then...
That shall be the title of the book that documents our friendship. It'll be out in stores some time in the future, and cryptos are the only mode of payment. The book itself will be made of waterproof material because of the inevitability of people spilling their drink while reading it.