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RE: Some Serious, Sincere STEEMIT ¿¿¿Questions???

in #steemit7 years ago

I think that if someone creates a post with detail on said link or product perhaps fleshed out showing their personal experience that this would be absolutely fine.

What I think they mean is that generally posts that just link drop to a site where they get something for people signing up for example is just plain spam and can understand why that would be flagged


Thank you, @meesterboom, for sharing your understanding with me.

Are you aware of any "formal" rules written anywhere about this topic?

What you've said makes perfect sense to me if by "spam" you mean something that is no more than "link baiting" or that has no intrinsic value and no content value itself.

Yes that's exactly the type I was meaning. Unfortunately I do nt believe there are any formal rules anywhere. There is a general channel on chat where the question could be asked prior to posting perhaps?

Thanks, friend!

I'm really not in any hurry to promote a product, but it is bound to come up in the future and I would like to be prepared and to do so in a way that is good for the whole community. I'll look into the general chat possibility for more feedback, Thanks! ;)

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