Carry on Blogging and a Retrospective

in #steemit7 years ago


Well hasn't there been quite the drama on steemit of late. The strikers are out on the picket lines. And now... Dan has tendered his resignation.

A retrospective

I have lived a fair old life so far. I have been creative in the past, writing and being in a band for many years. With the advent of fatherhood I genuinely thought my focus was now on parenting and not with a little reluctance threw myself into it. Then along came a little thing like steemit.

Suddenly I was galvanised. I started writing again. I earned some steem dollars which was fantastic. But more important than any of that was the creativity and the community I found. I made friends and I wrote and I cooked and I carried on being a great dad. Well... I hope!

Now, goodness me. On the back of all the recent events I see posts decrying steemit. Prophesising doom. Fortunately this morning I then read @papa-peppers post. A veritable light in the storm. In it he says he will carry on and I feel gladdened that there are positive voices in the gloom.


It's ok to be worried. It's ok to feel frightened. But really, have a little faith. It will all work out. Steemit is very young, it will take more than Dan leaving to sink this ole steemship.


Perhaps you think that putting up posts laden with negativity is good for the platform or it will encourage minnows to stay? I don't.

If you think that with Dan resigning and the recent experiment now is the time to go then you should. I mean that with no malice. A rapidly evolving platform like this might be too much for you.


My advice to anyone for whatever it is worth is to carry on, blog on, steem on and make this platform more than a sum of its parts.

Things are going to change. But that's ok.

Just hang on and steem on and it will be alright you'll see :0)

After all the Sopranos was fine after Tony got clipped wasn't it? Wait...


Good post @meesterboom. I enjoyed your insights.

I too have been on this planet a fairly long time and one thing that I have figured out, as harsh as it may sound (it's not meant to), is that NO ONE is irreplaceable!

We will see how all of this plays out. The technology remains and others can tweak it as necessary. My attitude is "wait and see".

For me this is a fun hobby and although I am hopeful of it "paying off" one day I'll continue enjoying myself either way!

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Absolutely @kus-knee!! I will be forever grateful to Dan for this opportunity that is steemit and all it has given me and like you i would love it if it paid off! We can but wait and see.

And also you say it best, let's continue to enjoy ourselves!

I totally agree with both of you! Steemit is not over, Steemit just reborn and will become better in the future!

It will be a phoenix! Rising from the ashes!!! Although i hope not literally!

Yes, it will be! You made a great work @meesterboom, congratulations!

Thank you mate! We are all doing great things here!! Let's keep that impetus going, yeehaw!

Yes, let's keep that impetus going! go go go!

Great piece and bitcoin turned out fine without creator Satoshi. I'm still positive!

Now that is a truly valid point!!! They all said it was doomed and look at what happened!

I'll never get tired of these 4 cents upvotes.

Haha, yeah it's awesome!!

Thank you for posting @meesterboom.

Appreciate you writing this.

Thank you. Always appreciate your comments @bleujay!

Well done, @meesterboom ! Yes, I'm confused now (it's the human factor), but not very worried. My thought, at the moment, is "keep calm, dreank a coffee, write the usually contents and wait", this is the better thing that I can do. I think that now it's the moment to stay togheter as never before ;)

There is some great advice right there. Keeping calm and drinking coffee always works like a charm!! In any sea there will be waves!

Thanks for adding some positivity in the mix!

It's a skill i have!! Gotta balance the load!! :0)

And a very important skill that is!

Lol, it has always served me well!

thanks for the positivity. :) I feel the same way you do. I love to write here because for some reason I am just inspired by so many posts here. I just wrote a new poem simply from seeing a lottery post. This is just priceless to me. Makes me so happy.

Well as a lover of positivity i am now following you and will check it out!! Maximum steem!!

YAY! Thanks for following. I am writng poems every day. :)

I shall read them every day!

I will follow good thoughts li,e this, well said meestrboom.

Thank you . Just my tuppence worth!

I'm willing to wait. I'm upset, but I continue to believe. Though.....or in spite of...but will go to the end...whatever it was.

Upset is fine. We have had some shocks but the most important thing to remember is that this... is just the internet. There, that puts it all into perspective! :0)

I'm with you, my friend. Or if I'm not, it's because I've got a bunch of other things to deal with in the next couple of weeks. But I will be back!

I am so glad to hear that @kiwideb!! I would hate for steemit to lose someone like you. We are a big bunch of internet maddies and we should stick together!! :0)

Honey, you gotta keep your deb's in a row. Hopefully you don't want to lose either of us :-)

Oh my gawd, i am a pure fanny!! I swear it was the auto correct on my phone!! I don't want any of my Deb's to go ;0)

Hehe, i edited my reply. The blockchain never forgets though!!

Now you've edited your reply, my reply looks nonsensical, lol. But that's ok, I'm happy to be an internet maddie with you.

You should edit yours and make it look wild and out of context and we can have an edit war!! ;0)

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