Oops I did it again - or What Jerry did

in #steemit7 years ago

I don't know how to start this post. I honestly don't. So let me start like this: Today I woke up to these news...That @jerrybanfield is holding 'SteemFest 2.5' in the US.

This is the current, edited post: https://steemit.com/dlive/@jerrybanfield/3a2b4d4c-1bd0-11e8-8e74-0242ac110002
aaaand this, the original one, for those who missed it: https://steemd.com/tx/43935ad9c47920725a25e489bdfe836555b1de03
[The comments are hilarious by the way, you should check them out!]

I don't want this to be a mean post [even though my name dictates that]. So I'll start with the good stuff.

@roelandp and @steemfest

Roeland is an AWESOME AWESOME guy [yes I wrote it twice on purpose]. His dedication to Steemit is immense and the Lisbon Steem Fest was one of the best times of my LIFE. He is an amazing organizer, and great person and an appreciated Steemian -from ALL of us.
That is why I voted him for witness, and he is currently number 2 - that fact alone says a lot.

Congrats @roelandp ! And once more THANK YOU for an amazing @steemfest 2 in Portugal - none of us will EVER forget that !!!!


When I joined Steemit, I had no idea who Jerry was. And didn't care that much. I had too much on my own plate to absorb at the time anyway. I learned more later, and about Bernie and all. I don't like conflicts, I said that before plenty of times.

Steemit is my Happy Place

so things like that for me were to stay away from. Especially when whales were/are involved. Who am I to talk, right?


We might not all have the same Power in here but we sure have

the same rights!

I was never afraid of flags. Maybe I should. But I am trying to do my best in this platform, create quality content for me and @sndbox, curate quality content for @ocd and not only, organize Steemit events like @copensteem, get a 200 people team together in order to get more ladies on the platform like @steemsugars. Obviously I'm not doing EVERYTHING right. No one does. None of us did at first.

Neither did Jerry -when he was charging for offering 'support' to newbies. That was a mistake but...

I always give the benefit of the doubt.

That's why, especially after I met him at SteemFest (what an irony!!!) I thought well ok, he MADE ONE MISTAKE, let's not hold on to that! He is human, we all did shit at first let's LET IT GO. I actually got into arguments with some people, defending him, saying 'why you're so against him STILL?'

Well, that's why Jerry. 'Cause you go and FUCK IT UP all over again.

I thought you were nice, when I met you in person I was like come on, nice, polite, harmless American, made a mistake and now everyone is still keeping that against him - COME ON! I liked our interaction and I did give him the benefit of the doubt. Who am I to judge anyway, right???
That's why,I feel personally betrayed for defending a sneaky person like that. Seriously. Because I defended him, even though I shouldn't have.

About Whales

Maybe it's not my place. Maybe I -the minnow that no one gives a shit- should shut the fuck up and let whales be whales. But this is not how it works exactly here. We all contribute - as @voronoi and @hansikhouse mentioned to one of the latest videos of @sndbox, we ALL have a share here. Big or small, yes - not the same BUT still, even minnows count. Even my stupid -30cents flag counts.
So yeah, I had to act on that, a little bit. I had to say how I feel.
I don't like all whales in here. Not all people like me either. But generally I have no serious issues - I don't get into petty arguments and conflicts, or at least, I try. And we all have to take a stand in situations like this.

In one of the comments Jerry responded this: "I only follow people with more than 2k Sp who are approving me as witness" -oh really? Do you think those are the people who got you where you are Jerry? Seriously now...a WITNESS does that??? I feel even more of a ZERO after this statement. True Story.

I wonder where this is gonna go now... I was glad to see that I actually never voted for him as I thought...

On the post you can see Roeland's -very nice in my humble opinion- answer. I am waiting for a post. And also of a reaction from the whole platform about this.

Just because we're on a blockchain, it doesn't mean we can do or say whatever the fuck we want - no no, not talking about censorship. I'm talking about MANNERS and FELLOWSHIP God Dammit!

I just realized I used the word 'fuck' way too much on this post ... I apologize about that, you know I -almost- never do it...at least not that much.

I didn't want to bring anyone else into this post of mine, as in what they said about this situation -they can do it if they want to. Even though they did say some amazing quotes about it :P But I'm not going to name anyone. As you can imagine though, I talked with a lot of people already and we all agree that this is Steemit Bullshit - no, you don't do that. You know how much I fight against plagiarism in this community, with @spaminator and every way that I can. So you can understand how I see this as the same thing. Copying someone's not just idea but whole concept and NAME -God- then it's a step too much. I am willing to take the fall of my own words on this post without taking anyone with me, but then again, who cares anyway, I'm just a minnow...right? I got the permission of @guyfawkes4-20 though to mention what he said about it [so funny!!!] : ''That was SteemFest, what Jerry's trying to do is just ShitFest.'' Not sure if true, but close enough, probably haha...

People said much worse but I won't mention any of that because, as I said before, this IS NOT A HATE POST - just a disappointment post, maybe...
I do wanna mention one other person though, who -if you ask me- should take a serious stand about what happened today, and what similar might happen in the future:

What do you think about that @ned?

And for that matter, what do you ALL think? Minnows INCLUDED. Please share your views and comments. I'd be glad to see not support per se, but at least that I AM NOT ALONE.

Artworks from Tate Modern, in London, visited with @redrica and @teodora. They go well with the situation I think...

Thanks for reading! And as I always say, whatever happens -even that-, don't forget to smile!

Your Minnow

MeanMommy or Photography Nomad


Banner by: @thekittygirl


thx MM. i was just disappointed about not waiting for my reply, in which I would have obviously rejected the naming suggested for the event as I try to keep a quality standard and have some ideas for the event and it's 'pace' as you can read back on the original post.

i have not had any issues with jerry and was very happy he came over to Lisbon and joined the event. I was just very disappointed that the name was used. I think all is fine now (harm is done anyhow :P) and hope the event will be great. I'm all pro meetups and such! So you are organising one in Denmark? have a nice evening, roeland

Sorry for the late reply ;)
Yes, I was mostly disappointed too - that's what I wanted to express, more than anger or anything else. Absolute disappointment and sadness...
Hahaha I like that you say you 'would have obviously rejected the naming' ahahaha well, yeah, it makes sense...
No one can top @steemfest - only problem now is that I see people already referring to his event as SteemFest :( so yeah...harm is done...but not much to do now anymore anyway...

Indeed, me neither, and I never I understood why other people did - I was happy to see him and chat with him too during SF2 that's why I wasn't expecting that, like at all...

And yes! I'm organizing @copensteem - I'll be announcing the date (25th of April) and venue (still in between) soon - it won't be a super big event, just one day, but with talks included -not just Steemians getting drunk together ahahahaha !!! Even though it's the first in Denmark and all Scandinavia, of course whoever wants to join from wherever they're more than welcome! [that's a direct invitation to you too @roelandp - obviously ;))) ]

In my opinion, Jerry B. is a scheming charlatan who serves no interests but his own. I wish he would leave Steemit. I suppose I should have phrased that more subtly and politely, but I didn't feel like it.

Ahahahaha ..... you're awesome :P
I'm still not sure about that... but latest developments show that it might.

I think it was wrong to use the name SteemFest without permission and I also found it quite off that he would ask people to delegate 5000SP to him personally in exchange for a free ticket. I just get a feeling that it is another money making scheme... but I am a mere minnow and schemes pay off I guess and create whales so they keep happening! I am going to a meetup in Birmingham UK soon, but none of this "send me $xxxx and you can come mallarky was mentioned. It all feels a little too 'Jerry' to me, rather than building the steemit community. Again, that is just my mere minnow view, whatever it counts for lol

I completely agree @beautifulbullies, steemfest without permission and the delegation....@meanmommy, I don't know much about him but from what I've heard he seems to be a bit of an opportunist and not the best representative of steemit for sure!!!

Actually I agree with you that the delegation part [and the amount!!!] was probably even more disturbing and insane than wanting to use the same name...
As a minnow as well, I hear ya...

Thank you. You just gave me back my believe, that there are enough good people here. I am here since december. I am very interested in what's going on in this community. Since it is completely different from what I knew before. I first want to know: is this place a place where I want to stay? Honestly I am still not sure about that. I am convinced that many things need to be changed to provide it staying a valuable place. What really disappoints me is the fact, that most people are invisible here. While only a few are visible all of the time. To me that's mainly a problem of the interface and how content is organized here. Far too many people with far too less chances to be seen. And then people are wondering about upvote-bots becoming a common thing. Or about "upvote for upvote" begging. And the competition becoming harder and the atmosphere poisened. When I visit Trending I see people who are very proud about their technical abilities and the great future plans they have for Steem. Telling me I should support them... but I also want to be supported. But not with bots I can bid for and then MAYBE I will get an upvote. The easiest way to support people here in my eyes would be at first a better interface.

Sometimes it seems to me like "there are 50-100 people on Trending", 500-5000 people on "Hot", and 495 000 people struggling on "New". Very likely this impression is wrong, but I guess it's not too wrong. The informations witnesses and developers provide are important for the community, sure. But to me it feels wrong that they compete with bloggers. And also good photographs and memes etc. should have own Trending sites in my opinion.

Hey @brainnipper and thanks for your comment!
Well, I think most people are good in here, just maybe not all...As in any platform/community, to be fair and realistic ;)
It takes some time to decide if you belong -I know it happened to me and there are times that I'm like 'I'm out' - but time will tell, for every one of us ;)
Of course there's need for changes, I don't think there's anyone doubting that !!
But clearly, the more we get in here, the more the competition rises -that's not a reason for bot abuse or upvote begging though if you ask me. It just takes more time 'to be seen' - But if you engage into quality content and nice communities, sooner or later you will be seen and grow, for sure! This is how it happened with me anyway ;)
Keep trying to be a superhero...I'm sure it'll happen eventually ;)))

Thanks for that very kind and engaging reply! Somehow the people I like most in here are telling me the same as you. :-) That gives me confidence. Thank you!

Yes it's important to express what you feel and you did it nicely. After reading your post, the first thing I did was to check if I've unknowingly given him a witness vote and to take it back if I did. But fortunately I never lost my senses on this and has never voted him up for witness..

I am SO glad you say I did it nicely - the least I wanted was to start conflicts... Enough with the Drama in here - I have enough already in my real life hahaha !!!
I thought I did, but apparently I didn't, as it seems. I think for the best as well...
Thanks for your comment - you're VERY involved in projects and within the Indian Community I see and I admire you for that!! applause

I don't really know what he done before today and I don't really care about, but what he done today is not acceptable. But I also think you overreact a bit. It is not so bad that he wants to organise a meetup, isn't it?

A. I wrote at my post what he did before.
B. I was the one always defending/supporting him when others were trashing him and last but not least
C. I'm holding a steem meetup too - I don't call it @steemfest . @steemfest is one and @roelandp created with his sweat and tears. He couldn't even come up with another name, really now?
Meet ups are meet ups, SteemFest is simply STEEMFEST.
The reason I might have 'overreacted' is because I felt like an idiot defending him for past mistakes. And also because I feel I'm drowning in here just because I'm a minnow, besides all the hard work and effort I put on this platform...

What do you mean with "when he was charging for offering 'support' to newbies"?

He actually used already available info made by others and asked money for it 🙃

I see you joined June 2017 so I thought you knew about this!
Once upon a time Jerry was offering paid 'classes' let's put it to new users on Steemit -to help them understand the platform, and grow etc.
A lot of people said that was completely wrong.
But I did defend him because oh well, he didn't think through, he saw it as business, we all make mistakes so what the heck.
I got into arguments because I was supporting that, especially after SF2 in Lisbon, that you know 'ok he made a mistake, get over it'. But this, now? No. If you check the comments at his post people are referring to his meet up as SteemFest already. That's not ok. How would I feel if another girl made a group and called it @steemsugars? I cannot even imagine @roelandp 's frustration right now. :( At least, I'm glad he somehow 'fixed' it - late, but done.

Let's not forget when he created the tool and charged people an insane amount to bypass the steemit account creation system when 2 or 3 other tools already existed that only cost a few steem.

didn't know about that.... daaamn :(((

He asked like 50$ for a sign up through him... 🙃

steemmeets (works backwards too!)
The Steemposium

I can keep going. Why use someone else's conference name if you can ask a copywriter with a bottle of cider for some suggestions? :)

oooo I like steeMEET! :)

and feSTEEMal... actually I like all of those haha

Thank you! <3

This is why they pay me the big bucks. I can write that copy!

I love Steemcon WTF :O @firepower LETS MAKE STEEMCON

Hey! All rights reserved to @techslut :P I'll make a post about you if you do it ;P muahahaha!!!

if you make a post about @techslut please include #teammoist, let's just put some over the edge, kabooooom


Feel free to use any and all.

Do we need your permission to use any of those? xD LOOOOOL :P ahahahaha !!!!!!!

Nope, as they were offered for that purpose exactly. You amusement is I need in exchange.

Ahahahahaha oooooh @battleaxe, always cracking me up LOL :D

Ho visto che finanza e vota chi scarica foto prese da internet .. Quindi per me questa persona è un male assoluto per la piattaforma. Non ascolto o leggo i suoi post, non mi interessa.... Purtroppo du Steemit ci sono le cose buone e quelle meno buone...

Ah davvero? Non ne avevo idea !!! :/

ah .. I do not know much about Jerry unfortunately. but from this narrative it seems to me as opportunistic as I can tell. I'm going to do some more research on him. thanks for illuminating us :) kiss.

Well, I had a different idea about him and then he did that so I kinda changed my mind.
I don't think people like him are good for the platform - especially when they are whales -so sad...

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