in #steemit6 years ago

🐒 Steem now following the Bitcoin chart

The prices on the chart are recorded at 7:00AM EST every day therefore there are no highs or lows on the chart , but only what the price of Bitcoin and Steem was at 7:00AM EST every day since May 23 , 2017
Notice that Steem has been following Bitcoin since November 20 , 2017
BELOW : BTC / Steem chart
BLUE LINE : Bitcoin price ( Left Axis )
GREEN LINE : Steem price ( Right Axis )

The Bitcoin price is from the Coinbase trading platform GDAX .
The Steem price is from Bittrex

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I really enjoy the side by side comparison charts you do

Thank you bitcoinflood

That's really interesting!

We're definitely going to be going into another super cycle and this means we're going to go back to the summers BTC prices and hopefully beyond it. But the BTC prices in the summer were crazy high compared to where it's dropped to, and so just getting back to to July's price of about $1.70 would be worth at todays Bitcoin rate over $12 per steem. Steem suffered greatly far more than many other top coins as it lost a lot of USD value as well as it's BItcoin value dropping, whereas many other coins lost in Bitcoin value but still maintained enough to see the USD valuation increase. I think this is the time for Steem to really shine, with mass adoption on the verge of breaking out and Steem maturing into various highly valuable disruptive projects I would be very very surprised if Steem wasn't at least $50-$100 by Q3 2019

Yes, we have all notice when we buy Steem in the last 1+ month.

When do you think Steem will overtake Bitcoin, that is what we all would like to see

Yes? :)

I need more Steem ;P

All your posts are useful.... Oh, thank you.

I need more bitcoin and steem

Nice find on the correlation with Bitcoin. It’ll be interesting to see what’s ahead for Steem in 2018.

@me-tarzan thanks for this updates.

i upvoted and resteem your post
sir plz resteem my post i need your support to start my steemit career

Thanks for posting this. Maybe steem will hit $17k one day?

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.29
TRX 0.12
JST 0.033
BTC 62934.09
ETH 3118.65
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.85