NEW HIGHS...... STEEM DAILY DATA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...8 / 18 / 2016

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

DATE : 8 / 18 / 2016 STEEM not invested in SteemPower rose again today by 20700 .
The total number of STEEM not invested in SteemPower is at its highest level since I have been keeping records to a new High of 5,322,381 today . This may be from Steemit (the company) powering down in order to get STEEM to fund new accounts and sell to fund development. Total new accounts are growing there are now more than 69000 STEEMIT accounts .

Study closely the spreadsheet and charts below. I will try to update 6 days a week.


Current_Supply = ...Current supply of STEEM

Total_Vesting_Fund_ Steem =... Total STEEM invested in SteemPower

Total_Vesting_Fund_ STEEM AS % of CURRENT SUPPLY =... Total STEEM invested in SteemPower as a % of total steem

Column C-D STEEM NOT INVESTED IN STEEM POWER =... Total number of steem not invested in SteemPower

NUMBER of STEEM not invested in SteemPower daily increase or decrease =... The daily increase or daily decrease of steem not invested in SteemPower

STEEM PRICE BTC - STEEM =... Price of steem to btc on Bittrex

STEEM PRICE $$$$ - STEEM = Price of steem in $ dollars on Bittrex

SBD PRICE $$$$ - SBD = Price of sbd in $ dollars on Bittrex

The total number of STEEM not invested in SteemPower rose again today from 5,301,681 yesterday to 5,322,381 today . That's an increase today of 20,700 STEEM not invested in SteemPower .

In the chart below you can see the STEEM price as the red line and the total number of STEEM not invested in SteemPower as the blue column.

NOTE: The blue column is in new highs again today.

In the chart below you can see the STEEM price as the red line and the daily increase or decrease of STEEM not invested in SteemPower as the blue column.

Notice the two large blue column spikes this is Steemit (the company) powering down in order to get STEEM to fund new accounts and sell to fund development.

I would assume this will be a weekly occurrence.


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It is strongly recommend that you consult with a licensed financial professional before using any information provided here at STEEM DAILY DATA . Any market data or news commentary used here is for illustrative and informational purposes only.

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Thanks for compiling this info. It's fascinating how this Steemit beast works

I think we all are learning everyday

Interesting that it doesn't really correlate with the STEEM price fluctuations. That would suggest that the STEEMIT account theory may well have more to do with it.

I think we will have to get a lot more people buying into this in order to get this Steem price going up. AS the Accounts grow this should start to happen . We are now over 69000 accounts, but I see a problem that I will address tomorrow in my weekly report. That I hope the Whales are working on.

Thanks once again. STEEM's price is sagging once again, but the longer-term does show a range with a bottom of 0.0023-0.0034. Pity that STEEM is langushing while Synero AMPs are climbing, but the latter's getting a pump because its alpha network is being released next month. Buy on anticipation, sell on news...

Yes I too would like to see Steem rally

For the same reason as me, I'll bet. ;)

Interesting to see user base grow to 70K. When I signed up in May there were only 4K! We can easily grow into a million users by next year.

I Am doing my weekly report tomorrow and I will put together some figures

Very good information. Thank you! Followed

Thank you Matthewtiii

Thanks again for putting togethet these reports.
💋 @halo 💋

your welcome and thanks for following them

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