24hr ACTIVE STEEMIT USERS AVERAGE PER DAY PER MONTH spreadsheet and chartssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

🐒 24hr


AUGUST , 20165,345
SEPTEMBER , 20164,238
OCTOBER , 20163,981
NOVEMBER , 20163,260
DECEMBER , 20163,791
JANUARY , 20174,008
FEBRUARY , 20174,512
MARCH , 20174,910
APRIL , 20173,229
MAY , 20175,347
JUNE , 201712,292
JULY , 201721,075
AUGUST , 201724,625
SEPTEMBER , 201727,276
OCTOBER , 201728,150
NOVEMBER , 201726,398

🐒 The 2 charts below are of the daily 24hr active user broken down into monthly averages. One is a Line chart and the other is a column chart .

🐒 The Average 24hr user per day for the month of November was 26,398 . The Active user numbers fell in November.


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The Average 24hr user per day for the month of November was 26,398 compared to the month of October of 28,150 . The Active user numbers fell in the month of November by 1,752

Good post, I am a photographer, it passes for my blog and sees my content, I hope that it should be of your taste :D greetings

Wow.. what a good work from @me-tarzan .. you must have being doing good job.. steemit is developing and grow higher in numbers of active users per 24hrs in a day.. thanks for sharing this ..

Incredible...@me-tarzan what a wonderful work you do a here..for to extracted those figures out you really did good work.
Steemit is increasingly day in day out ..from your presenting data chart steemit community is tremendously grow higher.. we must all work together to promote this community.. thanks for sharing.

Yo ,
Thanks for sharing

Wow.... interesting post... but there time I read that Steemit has reached over 500k users can we say active user are some who do not active here everyday or steemians who never used their account.. am not really understood..

Hello @joabiodun Steemit has approximately 500K accounts but the average number of those accounts being used each day for the month of November is only 26,398

Thank for prompt reply... that mean some account are categories as.

  1. Ghost users and
  2. Dead users
    That amount is highly low compare to the approximately figure of account.. plus let hope steem grow so this community will be more attractive to steemians...thx for share.

Nearly 6% active users, very low!

Good work @me-tarzan thank for share..
look like this community Is growing in figure but less active users.

Good work @me-tarzan thanks for sharing..... look like this community Is growing in figure but less active users.

Great work @me-tarzan thank for share.. look like this community Is growing in figure but less active users.

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