🤝Feeling lost on Steemit? Find Your Community!🤝

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

We're nice people! Most of us don't bite!

I'm holding a big event at the gym this weekend so have been out in the community sprucing my event while also drumming up some prizes to give away to the people attending the event.

I've discovered that the local businesses in my area are incredibly generous and give prizes feely for me to give to my members. It benefits them in that their businesses get some cheap advertising, but the local business owners mainly donate prizes because we all support each other and understand how challenging business ownership can be.


And this generosity got me thinking about the communities I'm involved in on Steemit and DTube. I've experienced the exact same level of generosity on Steemit over the past 6 months. Firstly, with how welcoming the #TeamAustralia group were when I first stepped into this world but also every time I've launched a new project on the block chain.

When I first launched Steemit Shop Australia, @ausbitbank very generously fixed the code that would allow me to accept Steem and SBD as payment for my merchandise. And shortly after getting the shop online, @jackmiller was the first person to make a purchase, and I suspect he mainly did this to show his support for new projects initiated by our fantastic Australian community.


Both of these people didn't need to give their time or money to my project, but did so very willingly. And it's not the first time that I've seen this level of support and generosity on Steemit. I see it every week. We have amazing communities here on Steemit and DTube who provide fantastic support to one another. And this is very encouraging to see.

The most important thing to recognise with communities however, is that they will only support you if you support them. So give freely of your time and energy. Be generous. And you'll get plenty of support in return. Steemit and DTube have fantastic and well established communities within them so you're not lacking in options. You just have to find the right ones to be a part of.

So if you're new to Steemit and/ or feeling alone on this platform, I encourage you to find a community of like-minded people to provide your time and energy to.

@jackmiller and @ausbitbank are both witnesses. You can Vote for them at this link.

Block Deals is calling for increased delegation. Help us create and reward an active Deals and Couponing Community.

50SP | 100SP | 200SP | 500SP | 1000SP

My Steemit profile is: https://steemit.com/@mazzle

Looking for Steemit and DTube Merch? Check out Steemit Shop Australia

▶️ DTube

Great video!
Have you told your local community about steemit?

I tell my friends and family about it. One of my close friends joined yesterday in fact. Not sure if he’s made his first post yet. He tends to procrastinate. :P

I have a couple people waiting for approval. One of my friends already joined and left. I think the new people I have sign up will stay though.

It can be daunting for people when they first join. And sifting through the spam can be very off putting.

Good luck with your gym event and cheers to more and more generosity!
I still wait to win the lottery :D

Thanks, just invest in good crypto instead of the lottery. You're much more likely to win big there. :P

True words, @mazzle. True in Steemit, true in life.

Take care of your family, take care of your friends. And they will take care of you. It's super simple stuff, but usually, simple are they keys to life and living.

The simple things are often the best indeed. :)

I've not been much of a community guy, but since joining the curation and engagement leagues, I have found value in it. It's good to belong to something that you identify with or find fulfillment in. The relationships developing are a plus. Who knows if they will ever mean anything outside of Steemit (what with the distances still involved), but at the very least, knowing that friendly, caring, likeminded people do exist is good for the psyche and the soul.

Good luck with your event at the gym. Hopefully, it will be the success you're looking for.

There’s a tonne of reasons to get involved with communities on Steemit. I doubt I’d still be here if I hadn’t found ones that I enjoy spending time in.

I’ve learnt a lot from the people I interact with as well. It’s invaluable.

You are so right. Gotta find the people you share a common interest with, whatever that is. It makes the steemit experience so much better.

It’s disturbing, but I even discovered a community for cannibals the other day...

Lol! Really? What were you searching?????

I was looking for new people to interact with under the new tab... :(

The scary thing is how legit it all looks....

SURRRRRRRRE you were! :)

Ok ok. I was researching what human tastes like. :P

Was it hard to implement payment systems for Steem? Well done on taking the risk I have often though about something similar but I am not sure if I have anything good to offer for sale.

It wasn’t hard once I found the right people to help. Give it a shot.

If I upvote this comment will you still get steem? Or am I better off waiting to 100% power to give you 1c?

You're better off waiting until your vote is worth 0.1c. I'd recommend voting on stuff that will get you good curation rewards though. Vote on actual posts more than comments while your SP is under 100, that way you'll see better returns.

I am not a dog.

You are a cat.

He exists!

Oic one of those guys.

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