
Great post. I will remember everything written in this post to make my own posts better. Thanks a lot for the help, Have a great day, evening or night wherever you live hah :).

Currently the day where I live. Thanks for leaving a reply, I am glad that you found this useful!

Good tips you have there. In times of a rapidly increasing community it can be very helpful to follow these instructions to achieve some success. I for myself try to put emphasis to the "elevator pitch" but as you mentioned it, I recocnized that I neglected it a bit on my last ones. Thx for that kind reminder

I would share your article on my next promotion exchange post if you allow me to. You can check what I mean by clicking on my banner.

Anyways, I wish you much success and fun! Thanks for sharing.

Elevator pitch is a good way of thinking about it - no matter how popular you are, every post should remain like that in order to maintain good content.
Feel free to share, I am happy to help!

Hello Maxy I am so very new to Steemit that I have no idea how I found your post here, but I must say thank you. It is most helpful for someone just starting on this adventure. So far I am loving all that Steemit offers. Look forward to more suggestions and updates.

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