Understanding reputationsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Your reputation score, the number in brackets beside your username is the most visible measure of the value of your account, but it's a little impenetrable to see where that magic number comes from.

Assumption #1:- Steemit users sometimes assume that reputation is directly proportional to Steem Power.
Reputation is unrelated to Steem Power, it is related though to the value of the votes a user receives. The more the $ value of those votes the higher the reputation score.

Assumption #2:- Steemit users also sometimes assume that money invested will increase reputation.
Again this is not the case, only votes count.

Assumption #3:- Reputation progresses linearly with equal weight votes.
Did you think it seemed to be much harder to increase your reputation than it used to be. Well you are right! To increase your reputation from 50 to 51 is significantly harder than to increase your reputation from 30 to 31 as it has a logarithmic relationship. To look at this in a bit more detail, I'm going to show you how to work out how much more effort you need to put in to 'level up'.
Firstly you need to start by going to https://steemd.com/yourusername in my case that is https://steemd.com/@maxbullion

Scroll down until you get to the line that gives your reputation. It'll look something like this.


Hold it, that can't be right, that's a number in the billions? Well spotted, what you are looking at here is the raw reputation value. As this is a bit of a big number what is displayed in the user interface is your simple reputation value. The two are related by this equation:-
Simple Reputation = ((Log10 ( raw reputation) -9) x 9) + 25
The following tables will make that more understandable


Note that to get from 16 to 25 requires 900 million reputation points, but to get from 25 to 34 requires 9 trillion and from 34 to 34 requires 90 trillion reputation points. Of course the higher your reputation, the more people will read and vote on your articles and therefore you are likely to earn more from producing articles, so there isn't perhaps as impossible a climb ahead as it seems.

In summary reputation is all important. You can build your reputation by writing good quality content and commenting and voting on other quality articles. Reputation grows non-linearly, the higher your reputation, the harder it is to grow it. Remember of course it is also possible to damage your reputation too. If you are downvoted(flagged) by a whale, you can fall a long way.


Educational! Thanks for doing the work man, for us lazy ones. xD
I was wondering why I've stalled so badly, and watching you struggle with it, it actually comes as no surprise that you've spent some time researching this. Thanks, spares me the effort of finding out. ^^

Thanks @Josie2214. We've definitely slowed up, though you're still ahead of me on reputation. My goal is to overtake you before the end of August 😋

I say it's a reasonable goal. :) ^^

Of course, your goal is to stay ahead of me!!

I'll try my best. I don't think I could ever compete with your amazing dedication and your practical approach, however. I am wholeheartedly rooting for your success! Even if I do make you run for your money (for now, reputation wise). xD

Thanks for explaining after this article I have a goal to have 51 reputation

Gotta level up! Lol! Seriously, thanks so much for the explanation. I thought your steem power had something to do with it. I guess it does in a way, as you are more likely to have built up your steem power by the time you have built up your rep!

Only connected that way. My Steem power is 3725 which is quite high, but my reputation is only 47 which is lower than most dolphins. It's because I'm a relatively new user, but have invested.

Wow, thank you. I got fuzzy when you started with the math, but that is normal for me - plus it is 2:45am here. LOL

Your information is very helpful. I appreciate it.

Following and upvoted. Take Care!!

Thanks @sallykwitt. That's why I included the long boring table. For those of us who haven't found the need to get their heads around logarithms in a few decades.

Thank you! That made it much easier to understand. I was on Steemit for a month before I even knew what that number stood for! :/

Yes it was a mystery to me until the other day when I started digging into it.


Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.

No problem, it's a good post

Great post, interesting to se exactly how it is 😊 I know just from 49-50 was hard, but hard work and engaging pays of 😊 thank you for sharing this. Upvoted

I agree. The longest journey starts with a single step. Keeping engaging is the only way to do it.

This is what I call quality content :)

Thank you so much @kondor1030. I was disappointed it didn't get more traction at the time, but seem to be a surprising number of people visiting it in recent weeks.

Your post ranks high on Google :) This is how I found it.

Cool, maybe in the future Steemit will allow me to profit from on page ads or something similar.

maxbullion. thanks. thats very informative stuff. well explained. @letsgetlost

You're welcome

Thank you for the info. You really made it easy to understand.

Thanks @edkarnie, you're welcome.

and thanks for that reSteem too!

I thought it was definitely worth a resteem and you are one of the few on here who i enjoy reading.

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