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RE: Ephesians 1: 2-9 Revealed

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

HI Pastor Lea, thank you for the message today. I like that you wrote that His blood is the ransom that secures our forgiveness. We often forget that as Christians.

I would like to add that we are not inherently valauble, but that our worth comes from the value assigned to us by the sacrifice Christ made on our behalf.

God was doing just fine without us. We add nothing to Him, and can take nothing away from Him.

And although He does truly love us, He ultimately does all of this for His Name's sake--that He might be glorified. But we can rejoice in His glorification and be blessed in it. In fact, God says, "For My Name's sake, I will defer my anger."

That gives me hope, because then I know it's not about me. He would have destroyed me in my rightful place hell long ago if it was up to my perfect performance to be the cause of His wrath being turned away from me. But that He might get the glory for transforming rebellious sinners into redeemed God-loving, Christ exalting, humanity-helping saints, He has done all this.

The greatest gift He can give, as John Piper writes, is the gift of Himself. God is the Gospel!


Great to see you around Matt... you're blessed

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