How do you solve a problem like Matilda?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

She just started an instagram account and I know she could do so much better on steemit.

She's creative and passionate about sharing her knowledge, which plays really well here, but how do I convince her that some brand new thing, which none of her friends are using, is worth a look?

When I first learned about bitcoin, I posted about it occasionally and answered questions, but I didn't really sell it.
I don't know if more friends would have bought more cheap bitcoin had I pushed it harder, but I'm not planning on making the same mistake with steemit.

I've talked a few people...


..into signing up here, without seeing much long term engagement; until holoz0r who's caught the bug in a big way.

Holoz0r (left) and I, sending some Adelaide love over to @elyaque in Venezuela

But how to pitch this beautiful thing? I'm hamstrung by almost no knowledge of young Matilda. Her mum and I were at school together in the early 90's, but I've never met her.

I fondly remember her mum as a warm, kind, Aussie, surfer/hippy so I'd really like to see her daughter do well, and steemit's certainly the place to build a following.

With $20K in my wallet, I could jump straight to the money, but they're minimalists, and I don't see it getting much traction.

I could spruik the great community, but she has 177 followers on instagram, and I'm guessing most of her friends are there.

I could suggest that she'll land here eventually, and that sooner would be better, but she'd need to understand the platform to understand the future of the platform.

I could try to describe the giddy rush of tipping someone 30c by upvoting a comment, but it's hard to imagine until you've done it.

Coin gif source

I was fishing with the wrong bait, until darthnava's post happened.

It's stories like this that will attract and retain the kind of people we want to see on this platform. People like Matilda.

It's stories like this that help strengthen my resolve to really sell this place as something worth discovering.

A place worth sharing your delicious dairy, sugar and gluten free Choccy Road recipe.

Why should she take a closer look? What brought you here?
Let us know in the comments.

As always, have a fantastic day.


HEY Matt- i am aussie and found you on team australia -- i like your ideas about bringing people in -- i upvoted and am following too -D

Hey @mattclarke! I just came across your account randomly! I'm still fairly new to Steemit. So far I've just been wandering around the community meeting, greeting and commenting here and there. I've slowly realised that Steemit is simply full of nice supportive people! And you can find things here that you probably can't find anywhere else! You can even make a friend or two. Now that's priceless! Upvoted, resteemed and followed.

Thanks Adam. Thinkers welcome. This platform rewards your faith in it, but owes you nothing. Stay on #anarchy a while. Best content on steemit :)

Thanks for the suggestion! I will! This is a really exciting place to be! (I really need to tone down my use of exclamation marks, but I mean them!)

I have lots of people I know with accounts on Instagram selling homemade wares (children's clothes, artwork etc.). My sister has started doing it. They are all posting really beautiful photos of the things they are making. I was thinking how great it would be to get them on here, and they could sell their goods for SBD too if so desired.

One thing I think is needed is that it needs to be as easy for them as Instagram. I was wondering if a tool could be developed to cross post content to help on board and expand the market. If it is as easy as clicking an extra button on the Instagram post page "☑️ Post to Facebook", "☑️ Post to Steem", I think it would help.

I've tried embedding an Instagram image in a steemit post and couldn't get it to work.
I'm sure we'll get there, but by the time it's as easy as Instagram, steemit will be as ubiquitous as Instagram and the first mover advantage will be gone.
Your daughter's adorable btw.

The eSteem app makes posting from a phone easier and there are now financial incentives both ways to encourage its use, which I think is great for its adoption. (The app creators get a percentage of rewards, and they also issue your with some votes straight away upon posting.)

I'll give it a look.
Streamlining like that will be a boon to those who want the click and post simplicity of Instagram.

I used it for my latest blog post.

Great post and I know the feeling, I have been trying to get friends and family into bitcoin for 8+ years now and the same goes for steemit with almost a year of pleading for them to check it out.

As for Matilda I'd suggest if she isn't into the materialistic elements of our world, she might be more persuaded by how her influence could change steemit and possibly the world for the better - steemit is a platform that allows you to have access to people you never would have otherwise.

If you have any luck getting her on here let me know how you did it in the end, I could use some pointers :)

Thanks Krystle. I posted a link to this piece on her Facebook post and it didn't go well.
She said it was creepy and weird, requested I delete it, and some of her friends joined in, claiming this looked like a scam site.
I can't delete this post even if I wanted to, but I edited it to remove the link to her Instagram page.
Not sure how reacting that way to free exposure is going to help grow her page, but I wish her the best.
So I can't tell you what works, but I can tell you that this didn't :)

And much to his disappointment, the greater bearded holoz0r continued to roam the fertile acres of steemit, leaving un-eloquent comments everywhere.

You solve a problem like Matilda with a great blogger like @kiaraantonoviche

Gave her a follow. If she sucks though, I'm going to cut you loose too.
Handsomeness will only take you so far.

hey! i am currently having the same problems with my sisters and trying to get them to sign up...I did show them my account and go through the whole thing with them, answering all their questions...but they still haven't signed up :( let me know if you work it out and i'll keep you posted if i do!

Cool post.

Keep it healthy and in its original form of food and you are good. The headline 'How do you solve a problem like Matilda?' reminds me of an old song unassociated with this subject called 'How do You Solve a Problem Like Maria' from the musical West Side Story. Thanks for the post.

Good post mate and great pics. Made me smile... a lot!

Have you tried just sending her a copy of one of your posts. Think that would do the trick.


I wrote this one planning to send it. I'm sure she'll read it, and hopefully the comments, so say Hi :)

"Hi Matilda! Where the bloody hell are you?"

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