My First Week on STEEMIT - 7 Reasons Why I LOVE It (And I Want To Spread The News To The World)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Hello Steem world!

So this last week has been very exciting for me because one main reason - it was... My first week on Steemit!
About whole this (for me) new concept of social network I found out, like it's the case with most great things in life, totally unexpectedly, while having a coffee with my brother-in-law @olegw.

It's totally your thing, he claimed. You spend like hours on your cell phone hanging on Instagram and Facebook, and you do it for free. (Actually, you waste your time in a way, because you could do something smarter with your time.:D) And now there's this relatively new platform where you get paid for your content...

At first, I thought he was teasing me. It just sounded too good to be true. I must admit, I haven't heard about Steemit before. But he was kind enough to give me explanation about the whole concept. I sent my sign-up request immediately!

And then I had to be patient and wait for a week to get confirmed and register my account... Days went by slowly and my fingers were itchy! Words are my toys since I make my living with words. I work as a high-school teacher and I teach Croatian language and world literature. I also write a blog about my hometown, Zagreb, trying to present it form a different angle. And I also write for a children magazin. Plenty of playing with words, you'd said. I agree.

And then the mail came to my inbox. Your Steemit account has been approved. YAY!

I wanna share with you guys my first week experiences on Steemit. Here are my TOP 7 reasons why I instantly fell in love with Steemit and I'm sure, in time, there will be plenty more...


You like to write? You like to explore? You like taking photos? You're writing a novel? You understand the world of cryptocurrency? You like to cook and want to share recipes? You've traveled to interesting places and discovered something beautiful (or useful)? Bring it on! I LOVE the concept of sharing and here, on Steemit, we share - not only informations, but our passions, hobbies, all things that excite us. We share parts of our souls.


You're 76 retired nurse from Ohio? Or 19 year old Russian teenager that has a passion in video games? You're a photographer with interest in nature? Or middle aged mom who likes to make great meals for their family? Everyone can write about things he or she knows about. And I think it's great. And if you put an effort, you will be rewarded for sharing. How cool is that?


Of course, it's not all about the money, but I respect the concept where users get rewarded for their content - articles, images and comments. From my single mom angle, every $ counts and makes a difference. And it brings great joy to see that people value your contribution to the community.


And this is not just a phrase. On my first introducemyself post, I got 60 upvotes and 57 comments. For a beginer like myself, it was quite encouraging. But there's more then that. I've read lot posts where users wrote about their how to start on Steemit experiences and gave me (and everybody else) plenty of useful advices. I left a few comments on articles that I found interesting and always got a reply, even from some very popular users with deficit of time. You feel like people here CARE and truly want to help you do you best. And sharing (experiences) is caring. Thank you for that, Steemians!


You can write an article and you can WRITE AN ARTICLE. There's a difference. And, if you wanna write something meaningful, you have to make an effort. You have to explore the topic you write about. You have to go to places so you can write about them. You have to make good photos. You have to think outside a box. You just have to keep trying to be the best version of yourself. And I love Steemit because it encourages you to do so.


Now, this is something very challenging for me. I do speak english, but it's not my native language. I've learned it in school, but I don't have much chance to practice it. And this is first time in my life I write in english. Sometimes I have to use a dictionary (or google translator :D) to remember some words or phrases. Being on Steemit and trying to write something that has even a slightest sense makes me practice and improve my english and I'm grateful for that.


You got this great opportunity to tell people who you are, what are the things you like, what are the things you dream about... And if you have the courage to reveal your true self and share some (maybe even very personal) experiences, you can inspire other people and help them. However, just being a part of Steemit community is history-making since I have a feeling that it's (much sooner then we think) gonna beat Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and other digital platforms. And we are now part of it.

flowers line.png

Last couple of days, I've been walking around Zagreb telling my friends and family about my Steemit experience. I'm very new to whole this cryptoworld and I would like to discover more about it in time. I would appreciate your advices on how to spread a word about Steemit here in Croatia. So far, there are ten members of my family and friends waiting for their accounts to be approved. :) Any advice is more then welcome!

Thank you for reading <3 If you liked it, please Resteem and Upvote.



I knew you will like it 😀

And it's all thanks to you. And @fminerten1, of course. Steem on, bro! <3

I'm following you to know you better. Feel free to connect with me @lulita 😀

Will do so! @lulita

Thank you! Feel free to leave me some feedback on my posts. I'm always learning from others 😀

I'll be following both of you! I am brand new and haven't even done my introductory post yet! THanks for the great post @matejka13 :)

Congrats on your first one week and welcome to the wonderful world of steemit! You will definitely have a great experience here.
Feel free to follow @GLOBALFOODBOOK

Thank you @globalfoodbook :) I already enjoy the ride :)

Great to see you have such a positive experience on Steem! Please publish more about Croatia so we can see what it's like there!

@lbrt just walking around the town as we speak...much more is coming! Thanks for the support!

You will do great here! Looking forward to your next posts :)

Welcome @matejka13 :-) Looks great!

Hi :) I hope you new weak is even more better :)

You are welcome :) I just make tea...and I look steemit :)

hehehe nice! :)

hey :) welcome <3

@curlyhead Hey, thank you <3

Zakasnela dobrodoslica! :)

@alcibiades Pozdrav iz susjedstva! Hvala ti! :)

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