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RE: The platform growth/rewards pie paradox: A fundamental flaw in the Steemit architecture (Part 1 - The Problem)

in #steemit7 years ago

Perhaps you should look at the promotions that are made by authors such as yourself. The idea behind it is to help quality grow in proportion to the quantity.

I know it is not a perfect solution, but it is something and more ideas of its elk is only going to close the gap. LOL

I appreciated your efforts in this post. Thanks.


Thanks Mason, much appreciated. This is a really good point and something I'll definitely be touching on next week. Every $1 that goes to a 'shitpost' with stolen photos etc is $1 not going to Steemians producing quality content. Also good content quickly becomes invisible if it doesn't catch on right away. There is so much tag spam and plagiarism going on it's not funny - too much for @SteemCleaners to catch all by themselves.

The last post I wrote that is on my wall right now is about plagiarism and ideas about how we can combat the problem. I just put a promotion on it, but because I do not have a great following lololololo, it most likely won't amount to anything. lol

Sometimes you just have to try to do something and hope that others will see the value in it. That is actually the proper use of faith, because faith is always about what you do and the doing is the faith. I will be reading you around. Steem on.

Thanks mate will check it out, I'm out of voting power for the day, but will swing you an upvote and a resteem tomorrow if I'm feeling it.

Re: promoting articles, I've never tried it and have heard of people spending more than $100 on promoting articles and them still going nowhere :\

Wasn't trying to spam you about my post. was only sharing and don't care about making money on it. Was only sharing what was on my mind. Never upvote, comment, resteem or even promote anything unless you see value in the post. That is how we protect each other from the scams and promote this fun steeming community. lol

This is the first time I ever tried it either. Not trying to make money only see what people think and hoping share better ideas about the problem. I am not one to wait to be saved by some central authority. lol My mommy and daddy have been dead a long time and I really am not looking to replace them. Love them though I did.

Hahaha no worries, yeah I have no problems with people linking to topical content, but yeah everyone's different I guess.

Lot of babies and stupid idea's about what we can and cannot do. Some people are trying to be momma and daddy without the clown authority of the fictional state. lol

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