How I am Bringing Thousands of People to Steemit and How You Can too

in #steemit8 years ago

I have only been using Steemit for about 7 days now, but my first day using it I sent out 1000 emails directly to Journalists and Media Outlets (News Papers, TV Channels, Radio Stations), then I went to over 50 Facebook groups, each with at least 5,000 or 10,000 people (some with 100,000 in one group) and shared the link to Steemit with the line "Earn Money from your Social Media Posts on Steemit". These groups were based everywhere from the US, to India, to the UK, to Guam.

Then I went on my Google+ profile. On my Profile I have over 3,500,000 views, and a pretty good Blog Following (I Blog sometimes), so I shared information with my Google+ followers to let them know about STEEM. I informed them as the price was going up, and how they could earn some for free.

Then I went back to the Media Outlets, the first time I emailed them I let them know about the July 4th event. The second time I let all 1000 of them know about the $200,000,000 Market Cap. Then the next day I emailed 1000 more Journalists and Media Outlets (From around the world this time, just in the US before) and let them know about the $300,000,000 Market Cap.

And then today I went to Facebook groups again, and I am just going to keep doing one of these every few days.

Use your Social Media presence to help people find Steemit. Or Draw it on your car window. Or make Bumper Stickers for people to buy and put on their car. Or make T-Shirts. Just get the word out.

How You Can Help Get STEEM in the News Using Just Your Email