Why is Flagging the ONLY Non-Transparent Feature On Steemit? Make The Cowards Show Their Faces!

in #steemit7 years ago

Because of the seven day payout window, Bernie Sanders or “dedicated asshole” as he is now calling himself, was able to “reward rape” my profile for a week back, along with a couple of his cohorts, or accounts that he manages. This is bullshit. Not only do downvotes take rewards that were earned, by honest votes, but they also make content less visible.
What was my crime? I told him that I thought his downvote campaigns are a shitty way of operating on steem. He creates nothing that contributes, merely floats around spreading misery and hatred. He complains about “schemes” that others are up to, then gathers downvotes to destroy their rewards. Meanwhile, he talks about altruism for others, but thinks nothing of taking a few hundred a post for lists of people to downvote.
That sucks.
I’ve been here on steemit for about a year. I watched this shit happen last fall. It needs to end. There should be a way to either appeal downvotes, or at the very least make the cowards that use them visible. Why are downvotes the only thing inside steemit that is not transparent? The only reason I know who did it, is that he said he would.
So, while I had been building back up, even had a couple of $50+ posts about to payout in the next 24 hours, now, for all of my hardwork, I have nothing for standing up to one bully. This shouldn’t be the case. While I don’t expect everything to be fair here, it is a meritocracy and so, I feel strongly that those who help others should be rewarded, while those who act like this, should not.
How do people like that even wield power? Why do others lend themselves to lynch mob mentality. I can see your account, Mr. Sanders. You don’t have the credibility, the steem, or the followers I do. While you’ve taken on the name of a liberal icon, you act much more like Donald Trump and his alt-right followers than anyone like Bernie Sanders.
So, here is my appeal. Don’t join up with others who want to tear down what someone else has built. Don’t do it. I’m not asking you to downvote Bernie. Time will take care of him, he’s obviously bitter and messed up. But, just don’t be tempted to think you can make things better by tearing others down. You can’t.
See, the universe gives as it gets. It returns to us whatever we put into it. If the price of steem goes up, we all win. That can’t happen when we have accounts “dedicated asshole” running around just doing as much damage by tearing others down as possible. It just can’t.
It’s like thinking you can end terrorism with a campaign of military violence. You just end up creating more terrorists. So, Mr. Sanders, what makes you think you deserve to reap rewards off of tearing others down? How does that make you better than any scheme you claim to have uncovered? What, if anything other than good will, are you contributing here on steem to validate your existence?
I challenge you, “dedicated asshole” to try a new way. Try gathering votes for those you think you should be rewarded, instead of tearing apart the work of others. Your mean spirited manner is appalling. You’re the school yard bully of steemit and I’m calling you out. I’m not afraid of you. If you downvote me, I’ll work harder. If you badmouth me, I’ll just share more good stuff for beginners. If you team up on me, I’ll just keep going.
See, here’s the thing. I don’t wish you ill. I wish you peace, something you obviously don’t have and probably couldn’t find with both hands. I wish you success in your endeavors, if those are helpful and constructive, but if you continue in this vein, I hope you meet resistance. I can’t be the only one that has faced your hatred. You suck. So, do what you want. I’ll be here, and I’m pretty sure the whole world will be watching.


Pro tip for n00b players


try being a minnow and seeing all this shit! What when I'm a whale I'll start having these problems?

LOL, not a whale, just a baby dolphin at this point. LOL

a baby dolphin is around 10,000$ holy shot dude i'll be doing this until I'm 80 years old lol

I understand your anger and frustration, thinking you had earned money for posts. It's not easy to just let it go. But let it go. You vented and got it out. Just work harder and put people on mute. Everything has a way of balancing out. As much as you think the flags are bs, they seem to be needed. I don't agree with some uses and don't have the answer to perceived excesses. I just know it will all even out over time. Good luck.

"Think you had earned money" that's not really the point. It just shouldn't be that easy. And it certainly shouldn't be anonymous, but thanks for your two cents.

It isn't anonymous. You can see who downvoted by clicking the arrow next to the votes, right? And belittling someone's contribution is not helping your cause. Good luck.

No, you cannot see flags.

Yeah, its not anonymous, you can see who flags you

You can see downvotes though. I count 7 so far on this post. And I am not one of them.

That's not accurate at all.

Also: steemd.com

Nothing on the blockchain is anonymous.



et c

"Just work harder" is a pretty empty platitude when someone is intentionally seeking to wreck you.

Because of Revenge Wars

What do you think flagging is to begin with? That's exactly what I mean, can dish it, but won't take it.

last year when i signed up my friend @stellabelle was just starting to become active here and encouraging everyone to join, soon after that she started getting downvoted on all of her posts by a group of accounts controlled by someone that just didn't like her and left insults in the comments. needless to say it totally turned me off of the platform until recently when it looked like things calmed down. how can you have 36 votes and still no $?

Each vote is weighted by the amount of steem power the account voting holds. Larger accounts outweigh smaller by many times, some of them can outweigh a hundred or more "minnow" votes.

will the upcoming hardfork change this to something more equitable?

Each day, a certain amount of steem is created. That is the prize pool, so each vote is a percentage of that pool. The fewer votes, the more each vote is worth. In addition, the larger accounts are weighted point for point based on steem. So, if someone has 5 million steem (there are several that have more) then they would have many thousands times more voting power than someone with 5 steem. The new hardfork is supposed to soften the gap.

so the overall moral of the story as i real life is not piss off (or on) the fat cats the most of the power - sounds like they've just imported the system they decry because they're not part of that 'in' group. guess i'll have to third think this and go back to facebook - le sigh

No, stick around. It's still worth being here, but yes, the oligarchy is very much alive. They imported a pure "meritocracy" but then only based an account's voting power on holding steem. To me, if you've a reputation score, that should come into play. Also, each vote should count the same as far as moving you up in trending and hot selections, rather than money being the only value really placed on an account at all.

There are worse things in the world, not to lessen the trouble you are having. I seem to have 700 followers and growing daily, and still can't even get 30 people, if that, to even look at my posts to even tell me they suck. It's like I'm invisible except to those thirty people.

Yep, I'm not that far ahead of you. I get between 30 to 50 votes per post. I'm not suggesting this is horrible, but that he's a horrible person.

I was actually exaggerating. My latest post got 4, count 'em 4 views. Views, that is. it seems that 1% of my followers would accidentally click on my post. That would be a 75% increase.

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