Steemit is a lot Like Playing the Slots, Here's How You Beat the House!

in #steemit7 years ago

I don’t gamble much. It doesn’t appeal to me to throw away money, but sometimes, the sound of the slots is a nice reminder of Vegas, one of my favorite places in the world. So, a couple of times recently, I’ve made a visit and I lost both times. Not enough to be life changing, I never gamble more cash than I take in, no ATMs in the casino, if I need more, that means I’m losing, time to go home.

But, I was thinking about what makes a winning Steemit post, and honestly, in some ways, it’s a lot like a slot machine. You can put all the right content in, pick the right time to play the machine, put your energy behind it and it still won’t pay out, but sometimes, you hit the jackpot.

So, what can we do? I think some gambling advice is a great place to start on how to manage your steemit behaviors.

Never risk more than you’re willing to lose

Sure, you could really rant in that article. You could let it all hang out and drop F bombs every other line, but is that really you? Or, is it a cry for attention? For some people, this feels legit, and the audience responds, for others, it seems like they are compensating for their lack of talent with a racy vocabulary. While it certainly won’t have the backlash you might have expected fifteen, or even ten years ago, it can be risky.

Whether it’s political ideologies, religious beliefs, or just an outlandish opinion, when you stick it out there, people are going to react and it’s not always good. You may get views but no votes, or lots of rude comments, but still no votes, then again, you might just hit the jackpot, there are people on here making bank with ranting columns, although the site favors civility and positive thought.

My advice? Be true to yourself. If you’re going to experiment, make it a switch of topics, or style, but stay true to your personality. Sure, there are steemers abusing the audience and they’re loving it, but if that’s not who you’ve been, your audience is not their audience and it won’t play the same.

Stick to what works

I like machines with real reels. I just do. I feel like I get more play there. I’d say I win more, but lately, I suck at walking away. Maybe it’s because I don’t need the money as badly as I have in the past? Anyway, if you have topics that have paid out for you in the past, keep it up. New ideas? Sure, add them in, occasionally, but your bread and butter is obviously speaking to your readers, give them more!

When I move to another machine, I have to learn the ropes. How much is a credit, oops, did I mean to bet that much? How do I increase, how do I pull back? I’m in new territory and the first few spins are a learning experience, after all, who sits and reads the instructions on a new slot machine, although we probably should, right?

People are pretty predictable, and they tend to go for a new version of the same old thing, rather than something completely different. So, completely different is good for new audience, or a new play experience at the slots, but it may be putting my regulars on hold.

Educate yourself

While I don’t typically read the rules on a slot, I should start. After all, one of my main reasons for playing isn’t to “win” (that’s impossible over the long haul) but to continue playing on a $20 as long as possible, just like that kid in the arcade when I was listening to Pat Benetar at the roller rink and playing Asteroids.

It’s all about the experience for me. The atmosphere, the lights, the sounds, and the free soft drinks (like I said, I miss Vegas!) Knowing the rules is the best way to make my money last and maybe, cash out with enough for a nice dinner!

When you try something new on Steemit, look to the winners for advice. New topic? Who got paid for it, what did they say and how? What was the response (read the comments) I’m sure this is complete bullshit, but I like to choose a machine that paid out recently, at least a little. I seem to do better when I do.

Once you get a feel for what’s paying and what the audience liked about it, it’s time for you to put on your writing hat and speak to them. Share something new, in a familiar way and you just might see those lucky sevens coming up all across the board!

Don’t stop just because you lose once

At some point, I should have walked away with my winnings. I made an error in judgment, but the times I have played and won have shown me that you’re going to give a little back to get the bigger payouts. It’s how the system works. So, just because you tried something new and no one bit, don’t panic, or assume it won’t work.

It takes time to get your audience over to a new topic. Maybe your timing is a bit off. Even days of the week are different, and I know this post may not go that well, because I haven’t posted in a week. There are a million factors that can make it work, or not work. Don’t assume that it won’t work just because it didn’t one time.

Promote your piece. Sometimes a little time in Facebook groups, or on can make a difference. Drop your link in a few places and see if people follow your bait. Be ready to respond once they do.

Don’t put too much faith in your luck

If you’re going to the casino to try and pay your rent tomorrow, it’s probably a bad idea. I know there are people who do, but typically, desperation is a bad approach. The gaming floors are littered with people doing that. They look empty and hungry and they’re obviously spending money they can’t afford to lose.

If you have a regular job, pay attention to it. Don’t abandon anything worthwhile for Steemit, it’s too fickle. Until your investment here is large enough to live off of for a while, you’ll find the instability of the price, the on again, off again voters and the randomness of jackpots is a terrible way to earn a living. It’s a side gig at best, unless you’re a trader that can multiply your earnings into real money.

I’ve known people who will take a good job and let it go to waste, spending their time on a loser of an MLM scheme, or some other business plan. Steemit can be just like that. As long as it’s fun and adding to your life, it’s a great thing, but when you become obsessed, it’s dangerous and it can take you down.

Play for fun

All in all, I’ve gone a little past my usual limit lately. No, I haven’t lost too much money, I’m fine, but there were several chances to walk away with cash that I would normally have taken in the past, but I wanted to play. Continuing to go beyond your established limits may occasionally lead to great things, but if you risk it once too often, you’re going to get burned.

If you’re not having fun here, take a step back. This last week, I had to spend time with my dad, who is dying of cancer and in the hospital. I didn’t think much about Steemit, or my freelance work either. I made sure everyone knew I was stepping back for a minute and I did what I needed to do. Now, I’m ready to work again and I feel like that’s a healthy balance.

Can steemit be a job? Sure, for those who find an audience, it’s great. But how long will it last? I hope a long, long time, but who knows? It could easily fold tomorrow, or the price could go back to nothing and make it a bad way to spend my time. For now, I’m having fun and I may just visit the casino again tonight. After all, you can’t win, if you don’t play! Am I right?


A lot better than gambling lol. Even if it folded today it would have been better than a casino.

I agree, but, you write what comes to you. LOL It was a fun little piece with some interesting thoughts for me to put together.

Love your post nothing makes me more dislike something than when there are words that I would never use. Maybe Im just old but I love steemit and reallly like most of the people but some really go overboard with language.

It's a part of the modern world, I guess. I've taught my children that it's about how people perceive you and there are certain perceptions that come with using obscenities. I'll use those terms, rarely, when I feel it actually is the best expression, but if it's not you, don't do it.

In that case, everything can be compared with Gambling. You can do everything right, use the right time and the optimal conditions but then some seeds will never sprout and some couples can never have babies and so on and so forth.

I am a novice in Steem, it's only been 20 or so days since I migrated here from Facebook. From what I understand is that to make a post viral or trending you need more Steem Power, I have observed this and our votes weight more with more Steem Power.

And we all know why it is tougher to get votes now, people do not want to gamble when upvoting on a newbies post but they will gladly upvote a senior member with lots of Steem and Steem Power because it is always best to place your bet on the winning horse.

I have never gambled and never played slots, but I do get why you call Steem a gamble.

In the past one week I have employed a few strategies that I am hoping will make me some good money. Fingers crossed.

It's definitely not the same risk as slots, that's a guaranteed lose if you continue to play. The odds are set in the house's favor, since most slots only pay out 92% of what they take in, at best. Here, we definitely have more power, but if you don't think it through, it won't work for you.

another way it's like gambling is, if you're new to poker you don't go into the high-roller zone and throw down $250,000 into bankruptcy, you start small and train your way up to that - on steemit I notice a lot of people start out in their first few days with no following and go straight to writing giant posts that look like they spent all day making it (or more) then it comes out making $0.02 and they do it again, after a while they're burnt out and used all their best ideas tossing into a void and didn't get lucky enough to be noticed by the right people. Instead of that, people should do a bit of networking and smaller posts (bets) until they at least have some foundation of folowers to hold up their giant mega posts, and have some reputation to imply people should actually read it. When people see a 2000 word article made by a 25rep person the first thing they're going to think is it was copy/pasted from somewhere, you're stacking all your chips on 0 in roulette and losing, bet 1 chip on even/odd 50 times instead!

Woww..very good writingg... i like it..

Good advice! And sorry about your dad!

Thanks for the comment. And I have no regrets about my dad, other than the fact that he's only 69.

Yeah. Its young. My mother is dying at 60. Heart disease. Probably max 2 years left. Its sad, but at the same time you grow. Soon we'll be the adults. Its the way of life. :)

Been there, done that. I'll be 46 on the 28th and when he's gone, I'm the patriarch of the whole clan.

I don't remember who said it, but "you're not a grown up until your parents are gone" Perhaps it was Jordan Peterson..

Yep, found that out 20 years ago when my mother died of the same type of cancer that is now attacking my father's body.

Thanks Mark. I need to remember the tip about sticking to what works. My topics tend to be all over the place, but humor is what consistently pays, I think.

So sorry to hear about your dad. I'm having the same experience with mine. Love to you and your family.

It's all good. We have had a great relationship. Nothing left unsaid and no regrets. Sticking to a topic people like is a good way to build audience, at the very least.

Mark, great thoughts. It sounds like you are recommending to stay passionate, but keep Steemit in perspective. Don't quit your day job.
I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Family is another way we can keep things in perspective. In the end it comes down to human connections. Don't get too caught up in the game, but focus on the experience. I'm sending my best wishes to you and your family. Cheers and thanks for the advice.

Thanks, and yes, family is my frame of reference for the world. He's a good man, we have had a great relationship, no regrets other than he's only 69.

I feel like as sons we can take comfort in knowing we are a reflections of our fathers. From your writing I see you add a lot of joy to others. Some part of that is connected to your dad. There's a continuous link that carries on through generations and you're a positive part of that chain. You're representing your dad well.

Thanks, he's a very kind man. Kinder than I am. I'm glad to have had the father I had.

Instead of sadness, be happy... His spirit is in the hand of God. Death means rest, no loneliness and trouble... What we must do while living is to please God. It is our duty as we live in the world.

There is a time for mourning, weep with those who weep, I think that helping others see the bright side is a great skill, but I don't appreciate this at all right now. I'm a believer and a student of the Word, I know what my place is. This comment is possibly the rudest thing you can say to someone in my position and I hope you never say anything like this to anyone who is grieving again.

My comment is a word for a real christians... My word maybe rough, but its better to be true than to be dishonest and make others to be comfort on lie...

You find for me one verse that says we are to be "happy" when a loved one suffers and dies. No? Then shut the hell up. There are enough idiots in this world misrepresenting the Bible and what it says, without you going around acting like a jackass. I was trying to be polite, but there is NOTHING like that in God's word. It tells us to mourn and to weep when life is hard. You don't know what you're talking about. Period. Even Jesus wept for his friend who died when he went to visit Lazarus. Now, stop being a fool and go back and actually READ what the Bible says and stop repeating nonsense that simply isn't in there.

You are ignorant in the Bible... Did i say something (we are to be "happy" when a loved one suffers and dies). Did I? Bible is full off logic... if you are looking word for word, you cannot find it! Be silent if you dont know. Dont say a foolish if you dont know.

Yes, you did. "Instead of sadness, be happy... His spirit is in the hand of God. Death means rest, no loneliness and trouble... What we must do while living is to please God. It is our duty as we live in the world." in response to my saying it was sad to see my father suffering with end stage cancer.
I"m not a fool. Your comment, was thoughtless, callous and plain wrong headed. I don't want to debate with you. Respond again and I'll just block you. Good day.

Ahahahaha... relax bro. Ahahahaha... Dont be mad.. ahahaha...
I agree as human beinging, youbare really right that even me if i saw my father or even my mother suffering. Of course it is very hard to our heart to accept it, because we cannot do something to help our love ones while they are suffering.

But my point bro. Let us give the other JOY and HAPPINESS and HOPE to face the truth. At that point, may be we can ease pain of their heart... I hope @markmorrisjr you catch what i want to expressed.

May God Bless us my friend...

it seems impossible to stand up and leave when we are loosing, but definitely that would be best decision, although its tough,, another day may be our lucky day.

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