Steemit. A Social Network Powerhouse. By Gregory Mannarino

in #steemit7 years ago

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Overnight Steemit has rewritten the rules of social networks, welcome to the future...

Steemit is a social network platform which offers its users the opportunity to earn a real cryptocurrency, like bitcoin, by simply posting whatever they want!
Sounds too good to be true? It isn't. Steemit is the future of social networks.

Ponder this... Why shouldn't we get rewarded for our posts? Our time?
Platforms like Facebook use the posts of their members to market to those same users, (and in the process make billions), and yet give their users nothing...
Steemit has a new approach.

The cryptocurrency Steem was developed to help incentivize the use Steemit.
The idea of Steemit is very straightforward and familiar. It is a social network where people can post whatever they want however with Steemit, they have the opportunity to earn a real cryptocurrency.

Steemit offers its users real opportunity. Simply post, just like you would on any other social network and poof! You earn cryptocurrency.

Another positive about Steemit is that it has a very short learning curve.
Steemit is a simple platform to learn how to use.

Steemit is a social platform which allows its users to earn a real cryptocurrency by simply posting what they would have just posted somewhere else! Moreover, it does this without asking for anything.

The cryptocurrency Steem is traded on many cryptocurrency exchanges, and therefore can be exchanged into other currencies as well, like bitcoin.

As many of you know who have followed my work for years, I am the type of person who looks for opportunity whatever I can find it. Here with the Steemit platform, this has opportunity written all over it! Upside down backwards and sideways.

Learn more about Steemit, and just have look at what what other people are earning on Steemit by simply posting what's on their mind. Click here:

Gregory Mannarinome steem.png


Well said Greg ! Facebook for the most part is filled with self serving attention seekers projecting these wonderful lives that they are supposedly living. Where as on Steemit, what I see is oodles and oodles of valuble content, there is definitley a different breed of people on this platform.

Agree know a lady that post thoughts for the day on FB that she copies from other authors.

I couldn't agree more. I find myself on here for hours just reading articles because so much of the content is actually good material.

Been following you for years on YouTube. Joined this because of you, and am enjoying it so far!

Same here

Me too! Just now in fact! I hope it's as easy as you are all saying!


Good to see you here, all we need is Greg Hunter now also :)

He is coming.

I was pretty sure he would. :)

We just need a few more YouTuber's like yourself moving onto this platform and bringing their followers with them.

Thank you! I am working on Greg Hunter.

For sure would be a good poach!

I love it, Google gets so big that they think they control the whole planet and then human genius comes along with another solution that can totally destroy them.

Yes definitely try to get Greg Hunter on here!

what about the moneygps youtube account? @ David Quintieri

Well on your advice I started a account and received my authorization to post yesterday. Not sure if I have made any money in my opening day but that bottom number went from 4.86 to 7.56 in 24 hours and I only made comments and posted 4 short blogs. Thanks for the advice. DR

Well done, I'll take a look at your posts!!

Top o' the mornin' to you Mr. Mannarino and all my fellow followers of you! I wanted to say thanks for turning me on to steemit. I must say I'm really enjoying it and find it refreshing! Yes it's a bit confusing at first and exactly how it works I'm still fitting the pieces together. I think we're all still aboard the learning curve but that's why we have each other! Gonna finish my cup o' joe and do a little steemit surfing while my daughter enjoys her cheerios and Thomas the train! Thanks again, much appreciated and as always I enjoyed!

I'm still learning myself. I don't quite understand what powering down is or the differnence between tokens and other items. Just trying to let time on the site teach me.

I agree man, what an incredibly innovative platform for connection. I'm excited to be a part of this community and I'm actually commenting on your videos where on YouTube I didn't really. But since I'm here, I just want to say that you are a great guy and I truly believe you are making a difference in the world!

I agree I've been watching Greg for years too. Great guy!

Gregory, OK, you've hit me over the head about this enough and I'm finally seeing the light. I've taken the plunge and am on Steemit and blogging and having a blast. Thanks!

Greg you are the man! I will continue to follow you on your YouTube channel and on Steem as well. Keep up the good work and thank you for all that you do.

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