
And, of course, now that I have posted it seems to have corrected itself. Glad I took the screen shot. Maybe it has something to do with having up-voted comments but no top-level posts?

Additional details - I actually made several comments that all showed my reputation as 11 (sorry, I probably should have screen-shotted them all) without that changing my reputation. My guess is that reputation recalculates every time you up-vote (which you do every time you blog unless you uncheck the box). If the re-calculation occurs before the up-vote (which I have to suspect that it does), this glitch is a harmless one (except for probably confusing people -- like me ;-p ) that just indicates that the user has never up-voted (or, presumably, flagged).

I would bet more on it being an isolated user-side error(maybe browser, download speed etc.,).

Additional details - problem replicated on a different machine with a different person and a different browser.

You lose that bet. :-)

A glitch probably and now it is (1) as it apparently updated itself after posting this...

Says (1) on my screen

I've seen that on another user with a (1) earlier. Must be correlated to that.

Interesting post. Well done :)

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