
Awsome...Maybe not, but far superior 😁

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give me three reasons for its superiority. Doing what I want is not one of them. Unable to block idiots..for one. go ahead. I am listening

It uncensored for one. You dont need to block people. Just dont engage with cowards and idiots. They will get bored. The person you refer to is a foul mouth coward and not worth your time.
We get rewarded for our time though at this point it is small its better than lining the pockets of FB.
And three. If you follow the right the content here is far superior than FB.

Posted using Partiko Android

Trust me your are lineing a larger pocket here. People just either do not understand or do not want to know.

We are always lineing larger pockets, thats how the capitalist system works. Promise the world and give nothing to the majority just the few so that it looks like we have hope. But here nothing is promised. We just chat and post and we get small financial rewards and big personal and spiritual rewards when we meet new people from different places and different cultures. The rewards are what we make them. The crypto currency that we earn will always be there maybe not for us but for others that we pass it to in the family. It could be worth a lot in the future or nothing. But to be sure this is much more fun than a 9 to 5. For me at least . maybe I am one of the lucky ones I have a roof over my head, food and water, free electric and enough money to pay the bills😎

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I am aware how the capitol system works. But until something comes along completely different, most things have the same smack. I see all the good things about Steemit of course, I am not blind, however, some Steemians are loaded with steemit something. What I would love to see is just a place that does all those things you mentioned. A meeting of minds and hearts and souls, exchange of ideas and learning, with no $$ involved. None whatsoever. Now tell me what is wrong with that. Who do you think we would attract. Surely not anyone out for a buck, no theives, no flaggers, and nonsense. Do you see what I mean? When that happens we have surely arrived in Eden. I can pay my stuff too and I eat like a King 5 times over. That is not what this is about.

The small problem will still be there. Who runs a platform like that and how would they be rewarded for their work. Unfortunately it costs a lot of money to build and maintain a media site.
So this is probably the best we have. The builders and maintainers take a cut and the rest comes to the people who give the site worth. There is nothing wrong with the blockchain or crypto currency. Remember the whole idea behind crypto is a unerversal payment system that is kept out of the hands of governments who make it their mission to squander our taxes and fill their own pockets. Thats an Idea for a post 😁 what would the ultimate crypto currency look like?

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'Who runs a platform like that and how would they be rewarded for their work.'' GULP...Alice in Wonderland. well ok then fine, but how about no spam is allowed and no flagging or slander for no reason. Although it does say that but who listens. But I know all the whales did not get there because they wrote a post we like to read. I was thinking a Philanthropist.

Andy. Perhaps 2019 being a new year with a new fresh start will give me a new perspective on things such as Steemit. I feel somewhat delusioned by people and social media as per late. So onward and upward and we shall see.

Yes lets start a new. Leave the shit behind. And build a platform full of friends and Love. Lets be positive. Jump into the vortex with both feet. And build a future that we can be proud of. 💗

Posted using Partiko Android

It is not uncensored or I would not get a cheetah or a steemcleaner. They are censoring my right to just share. I should be able to block someone I do not like , they have no right to read my things and I can not disappear from here either. Which I do not like.

If Thats what you want to do just carry on. Life is for the free.. Its only a bot. Its not real. Laugh in the face of zeros and ones 😁 oh and forget blocking just ignor. You are a better person than they will ever be. 🏆

I guess stuff like that interferes with my sense of wanting to be left alone to do what I want.

Unable to block idiots...

Isn't that what mute does?

only their words, not their flags and downvotes

what are you doing over there anyways. ? lol

fucktards. they worry that I forgot one time to put the source. yet have no problem with someone calling a c... more than once. Which makes me think that those that own this do what they want.


you sent your question twice

I know 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

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