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RE: WARNING: Negative Neds and Negative Nellies are on Steemit to make money off of your fears.

in #steemit7 years ago

wallowing in the negatives is a waste of time and energy

Absolutely agree. That's why I just did a short and to the point post.

There are so many talented programming and research skills being wasted. There is so much need for those skills to be added to create / improve STEEM usage opportunities such as markets, etc, etc.

Unfortunately, People are unware of how trained they are to think that they deserve unearned income (which does not exist) and they are quite bitter and panicked when they think that others are benefiting from unearned income.

The failure to train people in how to be involved in true networking (not networking that gets artificial algorithm boosts or a boost from a club); and how to do the hard work that is involved in creating a reputation of being trustworthy; and how to craft products, arts (written posts) that produce merited rewards, is holding the vulnerable in a place that easily turns them into slaves (free housing, free food, etc everything except freedom to speak thoughts that are different from the free stuff providers).

Therein that yammering, exists the opportunity for an entire blog, not just a post. I hope someone with charm and charisma is doing this.

Your article has many great points!


Thank you @marillaanne!
There is indeed a growing trend of perceived entitlement. It is at the root of many of the dysfunctional aspects of society today. The world is rapidly changing, and most are simply not going to be able to adapt. They will be made redundant at best, and obsolete at worst. The universal basic income is being championed as a thing of fairness, where rather, people are going to willing accepting a life completely controlled by the state. The sad part is, it will easily attract many people, because by nature, they are lazy. Those of us willing to put the work in , will remain free, because we adapt to our changing world.

The failure of who to provide the training in true networking and value creation? No one other than themselves and then parents to transmit that to their children. It is not the responsibility of the state to do so. It is not in their interest to do so. Because independent people do not need a state to manage their life.

I think we are on the same page.

Indeed. Sadly. It's terrifying to watch the young people walk themselves over the cliff, following hypnotic chants of adults who have absolutely no intention whatsoever of actually following the plans they are farce-ing out. US Healthcare being a prime example.

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